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  1. Hello to all #NUANCERS , in this photo as you can see there are exactly the dates from the spawning of epic bosses . 1st Clan Which kill Valakas/Antharas Will get 150 Euros in exchange of Donation items! Thanks in Advance , By PhenomenoN FOR #NUANCERS , Dont miss it guys!
  2. Join us now! SEASON 2 HAS STARTED! www.l2nuance.com! x15 H5 MID RATE SERVER

  3. We didnt give items son , we reduce his items because of missing rate on our files. lele
  5. L2Nuance is a mid-rate server, and there fore has some characteristics, such as Rates, NPCs, areas and Drops modified and differentiated. These information are available below. Notice : These features its about SEASON 2 , Please feel free to send us any kind of understandable information. = SEASON 2 GRAND OPENING : 17.6.2015 18:00 GMT +3 = Platform : L2J - H5 Chronicle Mid Rate Experience (EXP) : 15x Skill Points (SP) : 15x Adena : 15x Drop Items : 10x (Recs-Keys 1x) Quest Experience (EXP) : 5x Quest Skill Points (SP) : 5x Quest Adena : 5x Quest Drop Items : 5x Spoil : 15x Weight Limit : 5x Manor : 5x Safe Enchant : 4 Max. Enchant : 16 Normal Scroll chance : 60% Blessed Scroll chance : 65% Elemental Max. Level : Level 7 Elemental Stone chance : 40% Elemental Crystal chance : 30% Added .attribute for more easly addable ele. Server, and Forum Time : GMT+2 Buffs, Dances and songs Duration : 2h Buff Slots : 24 Dance and Songs Slots : 12 Max. Clients per PC : 4 Olympiads Max. Enchant : 6 Anti-Bot (L2JGuard + Smart Guard + Report system) Geodata and Pathnodes Sub-Class Free without Quest Sub-Class Max. Level : 85 Cansel System : The buffs gettin back in 10 seconds , only the 30% of the cansel buffs its returned. Class Master Off-line Shop mode Off-line Buffers mode Auto Learn Skills Auto Learn Loot Vitality System Unique Gatekeeper CB Unique Advanced Shop CB Unique Exclusive Shop CB [This shop its the based for get easier your equipment] Unique Buffer CB + Scheme Inside Unique Coded Unique Raid Boss Manager CB [You can get a view {Photo etc.} in every single raid boss inside of the CB , also there is a tirmer for every epic bosses front of the CB, it will helps you a lot. Unique Ranking System CB Unique System on MP,HP,CP - QHP GCP , With right click its usable like soulshots and it will counting with percent your statuses. Unique VOTE MANAGER [Check inside for understoodin] Droplist Search Engine Auction System Champions System Wedding System NOTICE : All epic bosses will be closed till of the second week of the server running. NOTICE : More information about Server Commands, Territory Wars + Sieges, Full Features, Grand Boss Respawns, Instances requirements can be found in game through ALT+B Community Board! If you have any trouble or you need to ask something for our server please feel free to contact with me via skype , i hope you will realy like our project and you will stay as long as posible on this! Have a nice day & remeber if you support us you wont regret it! SKYPE : Pheno.nuance Main Site : http://www.l2nuance.com Main Forum : http://www.l2nuance.com/forum = Dont Forget to support us on the below social links = Facebook : http://www.fb.com/l2nuance Voktante : http://www.vk.com/l2nuance Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/l2nuance
  6. you still here? add me plz at skype! pheno.nuance i will buy it!
  7. You forgot about me boys :D
  8. [LINEAGE2 DEPENDABILITY NETWORK] - INVADE SERVER IS ONLINE - [~] Main Web Site: http://l2dn.com [~] Main Forum : http://l2dn.com/community [+] FEATURES : http://www.l2dn.com/main/invade.html [+] DOWNLOADS : http://www.l2dn.com/main/connect.html [#] CLAN EVENT : http://l2dn.com/community/index.php?/topic/2-l2dn-invade-project-clan-event/&do=findComment&comment=2 ‪#‎PROMISING‬ ‪#‎STABLE‬ ‪#‎TEAMWORK‬
  9. its a good server guys , join all!
  10. Thanks edward! Wish u to have the same plaisure like old days.
  11. WELCOME TO LINEAGE2 MORA NETWORK PROJECT : OPHELIA UNIQUE SERVER You chosen to play on our Network Now you can feel the real power of our projects. We run these platforms over a years under many construction and hard work , we continue every day to work more and more for the better future of those projects. Thank you all of you for the support & for continue to keep playing on Mora Network! More informations about what we are and what we have done so far you can find on our official forum! Have a nice day & Stay on our server! Support us & you wont regret! If you find anything that its not understoodable please let us know via any message. SEASON 1 OPHELIA'S GRAND OPENING [8.2.2015 20:00 GMT +2 WORLD WIDE] [FEATURES OF OPHELIA] Main Town ADEN Offline Town GIRAN Buff Slots : 36+4 All Raid Bosses + [You can find them from RB's Manager on GK] EPIC Bosses + Custom Bosses Olympiad 100% Retail like DualBox allowed 100% Retail like gameplay without any variable custom items , only the typicals. Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes Active and experienced development/GMteam! No corruptions! Not used accounts will be deleted after 2 months NO LAG!!! 100% Uptime International community Max Subclasses = 5 Max Subclass level = 80 All active/passive augments are fully working! (Only 1 ACTIVE + 1 PASSIVE) All flood protections New PvP Protection System added. New Auto System for checking every time when player logged in and dedect the bug stuck or any another bug/problem with your char. New Siege System added automatically. Random PvP Spawn System (.pvpnow) (10 Zones which every 30 Minutes change , the rotation system has been seted 1 Change Solo Zone , 1 Change Mass Zone) (PvP Items Drops x3) Olympiad Battles time - from 18:00 to 00:00 (GMT+2). Olympiad Period - 1 week. New Olympiad feed protection added. New heroes appears on every 7 Days {(Friday 12:00 AM (GMT+2)}. Maximum enchant in olympiad: +6 For armor/jewels , +6 For weapon. Reward from olympiad > You can buy 3 kind of mask's which gives u 5% Cp or HP or MP , and these Mask's can used only on olympiad games. Learn more about that by instant view on our olympiad manager. Custom Cancellation System - When you get cancel, cancelled buffs will be restored after 10 seconds.So you don't need rebuff. Custom Start Location [sET UP SYSTEM Up to A Grade] Custom areas-farm zones which inside u can get x1 pvp items - farm items Random Farm Zone System (For going to currect farm zone location u will push .farmnow) Every 6 Hours current zones changed to another. Killing Spree System which you obtain 1 PvP Item each pvp & announcements the current status of your pvping. (On Our PvP Zones you can get x3 pvp items) Shout Chat With 10 Pvp Trade Chat with 10 Pvp Teleport Protection Flagged players can't teleport creating more pvp action. PvP Assist system for all support class. Mana Potion & CP Pots Left click Automatically Used After Some % (Not Infinity) 1 Infinity Soulshot/Spirishot Not Require's Buying Everytime Same Goes For Arrow's Hero Crown 5% HP/CP (Not allowed in oly) Lord Crown 5% HP/CP (Not allowed in oly) PvP Lord Crown 5% CP/MP/HP (Not allowed in oly) Clan Leader With Clan Lvl 8 Has Color Title You can push double click on adenas and you create Gbs. You can push double click on Gbs and you create Adenas. Daily Pvp Mod Every day at 00:00 GMT+2 the daily pvp ends If you are first on the top list of daily pvp you will get different Title/Name color. Pvp Lord System Crown [Every 30 minutes if u have the most pvp's on top 10 list , you will get 1 Mask which gives you 5% CP/MP/HP. PvP Lord Hero System [Every 2 Hours if you have the most pvp's on top 10 list , you will get Hero Aura as reward. If you're Top PvP Of the server you will have hero aura + the pvp lord crown , if you lose your status these both benefits will be removed. Anti-Buff Skill Blocks any kind of buff. PVP Color's on Title/Name (Name by PvP , Title By PK) - Protected against third party software aka LameGuard - Hosted on a DDoS protected network over 500 GBPS Connection. - Private source files in Java platform but turned on official. Exp : 1200x SP : 1200X Karma : x15 [DROP CUSTOM] Safe Enchant : +3 Max Enchant : +12 Armors, Jewels Max Enchant : +16 Weapon Enchant with Normal Scrolls up to : +3 75% Enchant with Blessed Scrolls up to : +3 70% Notice : (When the enchant failed , your enchant will remain as it has) -Top Life Stones Rate : 20% -High Life Stones Rate : 10% -Mid Life Stones Rate : 5% Our Economy system start very easy , you're first settup it givens by us which means when u loggin on our world you will get free the latest gear up to +3, weapon by your choise up to +3, and one set A Grade Jewels up to +3 set. After your jurney will start with farming the typical things that's needable for continue your gameplay. Also you need to farm the S Grade equipment. [ECONOMY ITEMS] Name : Ophelia's Coin : Rare farm item. Name : Ophelia's Adena : Rare Farm/Vote/PvP Item. Name : Vote Stone : Epic vote item. Red Ophelia's Crown : Nobless Item. Blue Ophelia's Crown : Nobless Item. Black Ophelia's Crown : Nobless Item. PvP Item : Rare pvpable item. LifeStones LvL 76 : Rare farm item. Ophelia's Tattoo : Epic Vote Item. PvP Lord Crown : Epic System item Event Coin : Rare Event Item. Rec Item : Epic economy item. Heroic Item : Epic Raid Item. Name Reconstruction : Special Item. Olympiad Zaron Crown : Olympiad Item. Olympiad Jevra Crown : Olympiad Item. Olympiad Nely Crown : Olympiad Item This economy system are based on all of our items , armors-weapons-jewels - we have only this with very easy farm and its something different on the basic economy of the typical PvP Servers that comes around. I Wish to get understood on the explaintion for more informations join in the game for get instant view. Our farm system start ON Safe Zone , after of your safty playing and your collection of the typical items you can visit our Farm Zones which inside u can farm with your own risk on different zones (Current Farm Zone) , for example the main zone will be changed every 6 hours - and after you can visit the Raid bosses / Party Zone Area which i have writed below what's the drops. For not boring on farm zones i create one system which can provide u more interested on farming/pvping with your mates , you will see it on your gameplay. [DROPS OF MOBS] NOTICE : Zones change every 6 hours , for go there u need to push [.farmnow] Only for the current farm , safe zone have stable location. [sAFE ZONE] Name : [Giaron , Faty , Oralx] Drops : 10 Ophelia's Coin [100%], 1 GB [MOBS ARE FOR ALL CURRENT FARM ZONES] Name : [Mefys , Curren , Jardeon , Ledaen , Retucta] Drops : 20 Ophelia's Coin [100%], 2 GB, [PARTY ZONE MOBS] Notice : For going to this area you need at least 5 members into your party. [TYPICAL MOBS] Notice : All mobs has auto respawn plus have some boost on their stats. [Name : Old Nefelon] DROPS : 2 BSS Weapon [40%] , 100 Ophelia's Adena [50%] , 10 GB [100%] , 2 BOGS [100%] , 1 REC Item [50%] [Name : Karfeus] DROPS : 2 BSS Armor [40%] , 100 Ophelia's Adena [50%] , 10 GB [100%] , 3 BOGS [100%] , 1 REC Item [50%] [Name : Penatus] DROPS : 1 BSS Weapon [40%] , 100 Ophelia's Adena [50%] , 10 GB [100%] , 5 BOGS [100%] , 1 REC Item [50%] [Name : Karmeron] DROPS : 3 BSS Armor [40%] , 100 Ophelia's Adena [50%] , 10 GB [100%] , 4 BOGS [100%] , 1 REC Item [50%] [Name : Zathunian] DROPS : 1 BSS Armor [40%] , 100 Ophelia's Adena [50%] , 10 GB [100%] , 2 BOGS [100%] , 1 REC Item [50%] [MINI BOSSES] Notice : All Mini Bosses have some time for respawn , you can check the times near of the MB's. Plus those MB's they are not exist on the list of our main RB's Manager Teleporter. Which means you need to find them inside of the Party Zone Area. [Name : Celestyna] DROPS : 10 BSS Weapon [100%] , 3 REC Item [100%] , 50 GB [100%] , 30 BOGS [100%] , 1 Zompie [100%] Respawn TIME : 1 HOUR -/+ [Name : Krystana] DROPS : 10 BSS Armor [100%] , 3 REC Item [100%] , 50 GB [100%] , 30 BOGS [100%] , 5 Reputation Items [100%] Respawn TIME : 1 HOUR -/+ [Name : Edvige Goldaren] DROPS : 50 Top LS [100%] , 60 High LS [100%] , 50 GB [100%] , 50 BOGS [100%] , 10 Reputation Items [100%] Respawn TIME : 1.3 HOUR -/+ [EPIC BOSSES] [Name : Valakas ] DROPS : Valakas Necklace x2 [100%], Frintezza's Necklace x2 [100%] , 25 Top LS [100%] , 1500 Ophelia's Adena Respawn time : 24 Hours +/- [Name : Antharas ] DROPS : Antharas Earring x2 [100%] , 30 Top LS [100%] , 40 BOG's [100%] , 1500 Ophelia's Adena [100%] Respawn time : 18 Hours +/- [Name : Baium ] DROPS : Baium Ring x2 [100%] , 40 Top LS [100%] , 1500 Deganity Adena [100%] Respawn time : 15 Hours +/- [Name : Queen Ant] DROPS : Queen Ant Ring x1 [100%] , 50 ToP LS [100%] , 35 BOG's [100%] , 1500 Ophelia's Respawn time : 16 Hours +/- [HEROIC BOSSES] [Name : Heroic Ifestos] DROPS : 1 Heroic Skull [100%] Respawn Time : 3 Hours [Name : Heroic Ophelia] DROPS : 1 Heroic Skull [100%] Respawn Time : 4 Hours [Name : Heroic Vitruvian] DROPS : 2 Heroic Skull [95%] Respawn Time : 6 Hours [CUSTOM BOSSES] [Name : Ophelia's Master Griselda] DROPS : 8 MGS Weapon [100%] , 35 LS TOP [100%] , 1 Zombie Shield [75%] , 150 GB [100%] , 10 Reputation Items [100%] , HOURS RESPAWN : 5 -/+ [Name : Ophelia's Master Addison] DROPS : 10 MGS Armor [100%] , 40 LS TOP [100%] , 1 Zombie Shield [75%] , 150 GB [100%] , 12 Reputation Items [100%] , HOURS RESPAWN : 6 -/+ [sPECIAL BOSSES] [Name : Cybele Of Hermos ] DROPS : Red Ophelia's Crown x2 [100%] , 500 Ophelia's Adena [50%] Respawn Time : 1.30 H +/- [Name : Hestia Nefertity ] DROPS : Blue Ophelia's Crown x2 [100%] , 750 Ophelia's Adena [50%] Respawn Time : 2.30 H +/- [Name : Nizarus Hekatron ] DROPS : Black Ophelia's Crown x2 [100%] , 1000 Ophelia's Adena [50%] Respawn Time : 3 H +/- Top Pvp Top PK Top PvP Lord Hero Castle Lord Heroes Hero Donate Top Daily PvP Killer PvP Lord RaidBosses Killing Spree in a row. TVT/CTF/DM/SERVER WAR ( Unique Event - Only Our Project can use it) New Map Spawned in the world. ( This is our new mod - for join there u need to write in chat .pvpnow , and you will teleported automatically.) Gatekeeper Raid Boss Manager Main Shop Advanced Shop Buffer Vote MANAGER Top Manager Siege Informer Clan Manager Nobless Manager Class Manager Server Informer Donate Manager Casino Manager PK Guard Augment Manager SubClass Manager Sympol Maker Wedding Manager - http://lineage2mora.net/c6/forums http://lineage2mora.net [sOCIAL INFORMATIONS] MAIN FB PAGE : http://fb.com/l2moranetwork MAIN SKYPE : spectre.jacob Remember that playing on Lineage2 Mora NetWork isn't a right! it's a Privilege!
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