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About seby12345

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  1. Thank you a lot!
  2. Someone can tell me if this monster alredy exist in interlude? https://prnt.sc/pejvxp If it is alredy existing, someone can tell me the ID? Thank you a lot.
  3. From where can I download it?
  4. Search for client developer for extract files from server, exactly costumes files from other server. We can tank in Skype too.
  5. Buy Lineage2 Interlude costumes and accessories for my server.
  6. Are u selling items right now? Contact me for payment.
  7. WTB ITEMS, SET, WEAPONS, EPICS on l2warland . Pm here with your SKYPE adress.
  8. Someone can tell me where I can download accessories for interlude server? I need Valakas wings and valakas hornet.. Thank you :)
  9. If for developer about l2 java server... I need developer for some fix and add some event on server.. write your name skype I will add you!
  10. I decided to enter the server event mutant vs. humans , but can you tell me in which area is done the event ? Thank you!!
  11. Can you tell me how can I add the clan skills (full skills) to a clan of a character ? And also how I can give skills of +15 to a character?
  12. INFO =======================================================================-[ Npc ] INFO Initializing Walkers Routes Table. INFO WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 167 Npc Walker Routes. INFO NpcTable: Loaded 6592 Npc Templates. ERROR NPCTable: Error creating custom NPC table java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: String value required, but not specified at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.StatsSet.getString(StatsSet.java:475) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate.<init>(L2NpcTemplate.java:137) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.sql.NpcTable.fillNpcTable(NpcTable.java:716) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.sql.NpcTable.restoreNpcData(NpcTable.java:200) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.sql.NpcTable.<init>(NpcTable.java:78) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.sql.NpcTable.getInstance(NpcTable.java:68) at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:296) INFO CustomDropList : Added 0 custom droplist WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 119 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 120 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 121 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 122 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 123 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 124 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 125 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 126 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 127 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 128 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 129 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 130 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 131 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 132 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 133 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 134 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 135 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it WARN NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 50020: specified classId 136 is higher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be complient with it INFO NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions. The error is that.. I don't know what is the problem.. in my computer I startavo the game server without problems , now the machine that host my server gives me this problem . Can anyone tell me exactly what to do to solve it and then start the game server ?
  13. I need your help to change a file 's game menu and I think it's a problem to be solved in suorce and edit it with eclipse. Compile your pack using "build.xml > right click > run as...", shutdown your server, and replace l2jserver.jar. I must first open the file build.xml of the source and edit this file ? Or the process is different ? In build.xml there is nothing I can do understand that concerns the file menu of the game [ .menu ] for the details of the game .
  14. Add me in skype I will show you with some screens/or teamviewer what is the problem.. Thanks you...! skype: sebyxpoky
  15. I need your help to change a file 's game menu . Trying to edit files with notes , they were not changed in the game changes on the notes . So I think it's a problem to be solved in suorce and edit it with eclipse . If anyone can help me find the file and edit it with eclipse , I add also on Skype ( sebyxpoky ) . Thank you in advance
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