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Everything posted by cicciopipi

  1. does it work on dn? now that i discovered this bug server is down T_T
  2. i understand that will be useless...but a gm can donate or not??' so it's all useless... making instead more post count (300...400..dunno)will force only the interested people to stay in this forum... but it's only mi opinion.. p.s: i ,as topic says, agree complains about the change beetwen "Donatoronly-hidden post" and "normally-hidden post"
  3. i don't think it's been posted yet... http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=Og3GjHuNPQY
  4. all good and nice except for 5000 max enchant...oneshot valakas..
  5. l2walker for interlude...maybe in the first week we can see half server only online...whitout bot!
  6. i'm just testing on other server...so it' can be 100% sure...
  7. so you mean that can be more than same heroes at same time? or is'it only away to becoming hero faster and easier?
  8. just some econimic issues applicated to the world of l2...Nice!
  9. + autoress of phoenix knight :P....you have angelic icon too with blunt but i don't think they stack with frenzy...
  10. in my server we used to stun nurses....
  11. i agree with all the complaining about "respect" for who make post and make forum growing and discover that he gets joked...is unfair just make 2 different hiding string for donator and for post... i understand donations but just things clear
  12. well...then make a partition with xp and play l2 from there...like i did before i found core.dll
  13. Rumors say that in intelrude 4s and vulcano's quest don't give 100%recipe anymore...i haven't played low rate server interlude so i never take care of this...anyone does know?
  14. remembers that offical has blizzard protection...i don't think it wuold be so easy...i'll try on some free server
  15. omg...if u were on official or low rate server just +7/+8 is extraordinary.....share your secrets :)
  16. yeah...but i think who has started l2 lately can't even figure how to do a pvp :) i can't find clan hall siege...they are only a bit different but nevermind :) nice guide
  17. it's a gif...i don't need a program for making animated gif! just photoshop!
  18. maybe you tried with alots of weapon-scroll?
  19. it's only a glowing changer prog...
  20. another necro-useless thread.... only if u use l2phax you have some chances...
  21. damn now that i finally got 180 post count i can't see anything....even it's almost fixed i'm courios...
  22. i need a tip to remove unwanted update like the one of microsoft....
  23. and in official/some server valakas too...but most of the time it's bugged :/
  24. he can't sell before 8 pm..just use a walker...it's easy like set a fishing bot
  25. i don't understand the poll.... you shuoldn't post here...it's a section for l2 exploit!
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