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Everything posted by cicciopipi

  1. are you sure that doesn't work in off server???
  2. tried l2walker??see here maybe you can find some usefull scripts http://ltwo.insane-gamers.com/forum/index.php?sid=815e50afcf03f14d390e49331c30fdf0
  3. warriro with 20k+ of ptk kill easy everything
  4. zaken don't need quest...just a complicated labirinth trought devil island...
  5. donator member for auto pot clicker? unfair..
  6. nice guide! i don0't understand the 2' quest you describe...usefull or not?
  7. make some bot exping in your clan's accademy...that's all
  8. i suggest to not make bd/sk sub with mage stat cuz rumors say c6 coming so...no more casting speed based skill !
  9. it wuold be nice playing private server,but private server sucks alot...i tried almost half private server and always lag-crash-lag-crash-downtime-downtime-crahs-rollback... in my opinion: if you really like this game play official,otherwise play other games :P nice guide,really easy to understand compared to private server's ones
  10. to prevent the "reflect-pk"exploits discussed some topic ago...it's a lame way to turn afk ppl outside city pk with a summon...now freezing/blazing work only on selfbuff in a peace territory...usless in dn ^^
  11. thank for the tip...i was almost on 50% ! i wanna play this game!!! maybe more addictive than l2
  12. for zaken i don't use strider...simply i go troughtyhe bugged wall and viola'...xD
  13. usually it' a geodata bug ...under texture you can heal/damage rb without gettin hit by him...depends on server..
  14. OWNED ahahahah...i think that can be possibile in low rate server XD what about pay in real ppl for let you win?
  15. same for 4s...if you get 1k quest item and then you finish the 4s you can choose your recipe..and all are 100%
  16. if you can't change target each time he uses a skill about 4-5-ppl die....and in frezny that hurts
  17. no more for 4s....u just died trying that!fixed some weeks ago
  18. oomg....try with a c weapon
  19. depend on how it's high rate...15kkk aren't so much if a mob give you 30kk xD
  20. i don't think... if anybody has tested the oe bug posted can prove if on dn works or not
  21. reading the site seems to be a little limited...btw i can't test on my server until it goes up :X
  22. i have only a question...now i have the 150 post count needed to see but the link is still protected....i need 200 post count or simply becoming a donator=?
  23. it's something more than a rumors...one happened a smilira thing to me: i was selling and server reboot.....once i log in i had all thing i was selling in my pocket with the money of that item's value! so don't buy anything during a restart...
  24. it's forbidden..it's a protected post so reach 200 post count and you can see it
  25. in any of these case the server sux :P
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