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Everything posted by AdenaDepot

  1. Far less but those who remain are old and willing to spend money on it :D
  2. Ppl started saying that L2 is dead 5 years ago but they are still paying for items and they are paying well. So i guess situation is still the same. Any new bot protections on the market or smartguard is still 1st and there are not many big changes? Yes I was selling only on free mid/low rates. Nobody buying items on pvps. I mean I should have said I am planning on botting and selling again rather than playing :D. I "played" like a regular player 7 years ago.
  3. Hello guys, I am thinking of coming back into the L2 scene. I was 1 year off Lineage 2 and recently having some free time so i was thinking. Can anybody explain me current l2 scene situation? Talking about free servers (L2 lionna admins servers). Last server I was playing at was l2 zaken, does those servers still work and people playing it and eventually donating? :D How about the bot protection on these free servers is it still the same or something changed and now you simply cant use adrenaline on those servers? Would appreciate and help from you. Thanks
  4. Hi I am looking for good NEW server midrate (lionna like) or lowrate (rpg like). Only for fun and not selling. Server must be max few days old. I know that on 7th dragon starts but I dont like to wait :P.
  5. 2 boxes allowed only?
  6. Looks very good I will join for fun after long time lol. But I am afraid that server only portugal people :/. Anyone joining with meh?
  7. Ok great I am only getting bored of people who do not know what they are talking about and they did not purchased or tried any of my services and telling rumors without proofs. Thx
  8. Yes i am creating mine proxies as i say in topic on legit subnets which have not been abused before. If you did not tried anything and you know shit about instagram botting. Stay calm and if you are that smart go and create your proxies and do not cry when you are getting blocks. I burned a lot of money in testing proxies :). And do not reply this is a selling topic complain somewhere else lol
  9. I am offering working private static proxies (ipv4) for mainly instagram but working with any other social media! Those are working with fresh account without any action blocks! Tested 70 accounts within 2 months! 1 proxy can handle 4 ig accs without problem i have not tested more! Proxy location is europe! I tried all proxy providers available including highproxies, storm, sslprivate, buyproxies etc. none of them worked for me so i decided to start creating mine which are working like a charm. Keep in mind those are freshly unused proxies. Subnets are not flagged and I will be having only limited amount for limited people because i don't want my subnets to be flagged like those big names which has shitty proxies. Price per 1 proxy = 4 usd / month. Skype: adena.depot1 For free 24 hours trial post: free trial please in this thread and i will pm you with your trial proxy.
  10. You can delete spoof the packet - all protections know this and its not possible to replace anymore :P
  11. WTS L2 ELIXIR ADENA/DC/ITEMS ADENA 10KK = 4 EURO 1X DC = 0,2 EURO Any item or i can enchant items +6-8 later more. Skype: adena.depot1
  12. Bumping everybody should be warned
  13. if vercetti back in the game they are done
  14. I have a experience with gm of this servers too he is obessed with adenaseller which is not bad he invested in his server. But he is selling adena himself since first l2era server. One thing i see is that every server he open after 1-2 weeks he starts to make a deal with some adenaseller or he is selling adena himself under some new sellers nickname. I wouldn't be suprised if sites adena.zone and 17kgold.com is actually him. Reviews are bought skype is weird and he is shouting for 2 hours straight wo problems ingame. Thats not possible for normal seller gm is online 24/7 or they have autodetect character system which kicks out of game. But this person promoting those 2 webs is online for 2 hours wo getting banned. Golden vercetti I always liked him lol (promo using helena was top, l2tales t-shirts etc.) and everybody was rude to him but he was fair and his servers were good. If you ever talk with this gm of era servers on skype or somewhere he is not polite at all to his customers and if you buy something from him i would be worried about ban after couple of days he dont care that you gave him money.
  15. they changed to https://17kgold.com and now spamming again ingame
  16. Exactly site looked legit after he forwarded me those reviews on vk really didnt expected that. Well everything we do come back to us sooner or later. Good luck to this person in real life
  17. So i am most of the time out of stock on l2zaken and I saw him shouting ingame that he is selling cheap DPs so i contacted him for resell. We did our first trade i sent him euro and forwarded customers nick he said sent but customer wasn't able to to login as he was in work but since i saw his website and vk.com i assumed its a trusted seller. However when my customer came home and opened l2 box there was not mail so i contacted this adena.zone if he can provide proofs of sent ingame mail to that nick (which as you know stays in mailbox for 14 days or so). I had a mail screen from my customer so i only needed mail from adena.zone to know who is scamming if its customer which is possible or adena.zone. Adena.zone keep telling it was delivered but when i ask for screen he is "busy" on skype and keep telling me that his supplier delivered the goods but he does not want to send screen of mailbox :). So i have to ofc refund customer from my pocket. That is what happens when you buy from RU sellers their customers support is 0 they only care for receiving euro and then dont care anymore if its delivered or not they are having tons of suppliers (players) and they do not have controll over the ingame thing, they act just like a middleman and forward order to their suppliers. I guess he didn't even logged once on that server lol. Lesson to learn do not always trust those fancy RU sites selling items for cheap their customer service is 0 and they do not send the goods themselfs. I will never again buy items from any of this ru website again i made an exeption because this customer was in hurry. I hope this topic stays here as a warning for potencial victims.
  18. Looking for suppliers no crazy prices please skype: adena.depot1 or fb fb.com/adena.supplier
  19. adenadepot#3081 add me
  20. WTS adena and multibox on this server skype: adena.depot1
  21. yes i can make if you have really working mass pm/mail script on smartguard/l2-s i can register anything in world and talk :D
  22. Add me on skype: adena.depot1
  23. This script do not work 3 years :). If we take in consideration that all servers have l2-s or smartguard
  24. bumping this topic to save it in my topics to not find it via google every time lol
  25. mass groups to correct you
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