Hello all, i am -----selling----- Faction server (i hope i wont get banned)
Following features:
Special Submaster (you can choose any sub you want in 1 NPC)
Special Noble/Hero Coins (noble - 4ever, hero(3types) - 12h/4ever/till RR)
Top PvP Npc(in game you will be able to look at the statistics most PVP)
Special PvP titles(on different count of PvP, different titles for angels/demons)
Hero skills are available for subclass too (config on/off your choice)
Free wh, deposit,freight
Angel Chat +trade, Demon - !Shout, on 1000 kills (hero chat, but another with 1min flood protect)
Free augmentations
NPC protections (no skills/attack available)
Deleted summon skills, AIO types made to target_one
Automaticily opening DOORS (ch/castle)
Castle Walls (attackable by player with weapon)
Special Clan System (no rep points etc...5 eggs of RB's)
Special Buff SCroll (44buff slots, full buffs)
Angel Town - Heine, Demon - Orc Village (+ config with loc. you can change to anywhere you want)
Special Faction Guards (1 type attack angel, other - demon)
Special Spawn Guard (no Spawn Kills)
Special Unstopable/Ultrakill systems:
5 in arow - Angel get blue duel aura , demon red .and announcements says: Ultrakill! "name" .(made 5 in arow etc.).........
10 in arow - Angel get blue duel aura , demon red .and announcements says: Unstopable! "name" (made 10 in arow etc.).........
Duel aura dissapears when you are dead.
Special enchant weapon (like if you have CONFIG - enchant set to +16, if player wield wepon with +16 enchant, like S gr you can make only for S gr etc. he gets hero aura till he is equiped it)
Special Adena Bag systems (80/85/90/95%) (on different pvp count different bag each pvp)
Specialios Enchant Bag/Life stone systems(80/85/90/95%) (same as adena bag)
Raid boss, NPC, Shops and etc are... Server is ready to go just buy it :)
Full Flood protects (use item,roll dice,use skill, sub, chat and etc)
Full Sub protects (no bugs, no stacking skills)
Fixed dye exploits
Fixed Follow (rotate exploits)
Potions/CP potions reuse fixed
About the getting this server:
I'll give you patch, and will turn on it you can test and etc...
My contacts if you were interested:
email: battleforglory@gmail.com
So pm me!!! :) i will help and give assist for everything + give source ofcourse.