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Everything posted by a1

  1. Hi guys, i was searching in forum the modified skill called: Bad Buff Protection or Anti buff shield, only found in OFF not l2j, maybe someone could make/share or give me a proper link for that skill?:) Best Regards, a1
  2. nvm thought that it can come to reallity ;D haha, nice job
  3. very nice, was usefull. Added =] I think its a good point adding 255 rec color when you become a Nobles =]
  4. maybe someone could make a patch for Interlude?
  5. usefull, nice work =] looks beutiful
  6. An exellent guide i think, now any newbie can learn to start compiling. Gl and i wish you more guides like that.
  7. can somebody tell me wha'ts wrong with l2npcbuffer, i add buff in html and... only writes ingame that i perfmormed a buff request too fast and no effect so wtf?
  8. Hi all, maybe someone could share a walker for L2sublimity? It is interlude server, web: www.l2sublimity.com Would be very thankfull, a1
  9. Sold. Delete this topic plz.
  10. ---if you need add me on skype: i.n.f.l.a.m.e.s---- or write to battleforglory@gmail.com
  11. Ok last price: 80 Euros.......
  12. so noone interested ehh... ass much time i will wait i will think that i should share this 4 maxcheaters and 4free... so whats your opinion? all?:D
  13. Well guys i have red each post on this topic and you are fully right, so i think i will wish you GL and w8 till c4 come :) + will test with some people too.
  14. Hello all, i am -----selling----- Faction server (i hope i wont get banned) Following features: Special Submaster (you can choose any sub you want in 1 NPC) Special Noble/Hero Coins (noble - 4ever, hero(3types) - 12h/4ever/till RR) Top PvP Npc(in game you will be able to look at the statistics most PVP) Special PvP titles(on different count of PvP, different titles for angels/demons) Hero skills are available for subclass too (config on/off your choice) Free wh, deposit,freight Angel Chat +trade, Demon - !Shout, on 1000 kills (hero chat, but another with 1min flood protect) Free augmentations NPC protections (no skills/attack available) Deleted summon skills, AIO types made to target_one Automaticily opening DOORS (ch/castle) Castle Walls (attackable by player with weapon) Special Clan System (no rep points etc...5 eggs of RB's) Special Buff SCroll (44buff slots, full buffs) Angel Town - Heine, Demon - Orc Village (+ config with loc. you can change to anywhere you want) Special Faction Guards (1 type attack angel, other - demon) Special Spawn Guard (no Spawn Kills) Special Unstopable/Ultrakill systems: 5 in arow - Angel get blue duel aura , demon red .and announcements says: Ultrakill! "name" .(made 5 in arow etc.)......... 10 in arow - Angel get blue duel aura , demon red .and announcements says: Unstopable! "name" (made 10 in arow etc.)......... Duel aura dissapears when you are dead. Special enchant weapon (like if you have CONFIG - enchant set to +16, if player wield wepon with +16 enchant, like S gr you can make only for S gr etc. he gets hero aura till he is equiped it) Special Adena Bag systems (80/85/90/95%) (on different pvp count different bag each pvp) Specialios Enchant Bag/Life stone systems(80/85/90/95%) (same as adena bag) Raid boss, NPC, Shops and etc are... Server is ready to go just buy it :) Full Flood protects (use item,roll dice,use skill, sub, chat and etc) Full Sub protects (no bugs, no stacking skills) Fixed dye exploits Fixed Follow (rotate exploits) Potions/CP potions reuse fixed About the getting this server: I'll give you patch, and will turn on it you can test and etc... My contacts if you were interested: email: battleforglory@gmail.com So pm me!!! :) i will help and give assist for everything + give source ofcourse.
  15. usefull, but it is used for CT1 and latest when there are chathandlers... maybe some instructions for interlude? with say2.java
  16. yah need this too, someone ?
  17. there is as PATHs in this forum of all subs in 1 NPC... Take it and compile rofl
  18. Hi, i would like to know how i can make castle walls attackable by simple player? Its seems that in GMprivileges.java this thing is added for GM, because GM can attack castle wall... So maybe someone know the way how to make them attackable for simple player? If someone cloud plz post. Best Regards, a1
  19. omfg you noob didnt searched good then.... look at l2jserver forums custom contributions section omfg there are everything about faction
  20. ofc you can... AT ct1 was made this function and you can able it in python, i dont post script but you can search in l2j forum, i seen it there... If your pack is not ct1 or higher (mean is interlude or lower) i dont think that it is available, but i had made some doors auto open there is script too in l2j forums.
  21. Hello all, i am running faction mode on l2archid pack.. (made it self i mean faction mode) I got this error and can't find the solution how to fix it... When i attack a mob or rb it gives me this eror, and mobs/rb just dont attack me anymore.. http://www.failai.in/P/1234017307_eror.bmp Anyone have any ideas?
  22. this share is 1st of all i ever seen of npc buffers nice... :)
  23. rofl omfg just use search at l2j forums you noob ;D
  24. try to look at l2jserver forums... There is some Olympiad which was remade on IT.
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