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Everything posted by a1

  1. Spam. + answer the question if you wanna get some help.
  2. what item doesnt matter, you can change everything in client modding. Itemnamee.dat for item name, and etcitemgrp.dat for icon :) I hope it was usefull.
  3. check inventory update?
  4. Wow your english is perfect! 1stly what you call "all raid drop will be good"?
  5. if you aint gonna change/compile anything in login server, just look at google for l2jfree latest compiled pack and take login server files.
  6. Well its very easy, you should 1stly add your new skill to skill_trees table in navicat, then you should go skill_spellbooks table and add your new skill id into skill_id section, and your custom item used to learn a skill into item_id. Gl :)
  7. none gonna do "all job" for free :), its a pretty alot of work to fix all skills, and share them all for free for some noobs like you isnt a good idea.
  8. I could sell faction guards for 10 euros, interested? pm ;D
  9. You should made them for all chronicles, starting from c6. This is a suggestion :) Nice job.
  10. Wrong section?:O
  11. Better way to learn doing this by self? You can create shop easily by following this guide. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=132321.0 This guide was made by: Efex. And i think there isnt better guide than this, so follow.
  12. Okey your server is h-rate i think. You want to make that you would be able to make private store buy/sell or whatever to buy with gold bars yeh? ----------- My idea is: ----------- Make Gold Bar id 57(it is adena id) then Gold Bars will be shown in the bottom of the inventory where adena is showable all the time. Make Adena unique id (like 9999) and change all multisells/merchants from id 57 to 9999. And droplist where drop item id is 57 to 9999. Then: You will be able make private store sell/buy with goldbars. But you wont be able to sell/buy from private shop sell/buy by adenas. (in simple multisell shops you will be able) -------------------- What you have done? -------------------- Gold bars will be shown in the bottom of the inventory like adenas. Adenas will be shown as simple item in your inventory, in shops you will be able to pay with adenas couse you will change all shops required item id from 57 to 9999, and monsters will drop your adenas too, couse you will change droplist where item id is 57 to 9999. [move]Thats my idea, i dont think thats there is another way to do this. I think everything is clere here?[/move]
  13. 1stly delete -,- from '9999_NPCBuffer', why? couse its the last import 2ndly check your buffer init.py
  14. Fixed by self =] Please remove or delete this topic.
  15. Unique, usefull, perfect. But i have a question: How you made this? Is it a new button for shop or something like that? Can u post the code?:)
  16. So i added this code: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=157491.0 to my server, and i have one problem, i am not able to use potions, like greater healing potion, magic haste potion and etc. the potions which i can use is: qhp, mana, cp which skilltype is "hot". The point i want to add line that if i am with anti-buff effect, i can use potions or even buffs which has option target_self. I am bad in java but i quess here: // With Mystic Immunity you can't be buffed/debuffed if (target.isBuffShieldOn()) continue; So my quess it should be something like: // Walls and Door should not be buffed if(target.isBuffShieldOn && != SkillTargetType.TARGET_SELF )) continue; But i need correct edit :) i dont understand java, i just quess. So maybe someone could help me with that? I would be thankfull 4ever =] Best Regards, a1
  17. Usefull and i hope it gonna work, will test tommorow and will post the results. Keep doing this, nice! :)
  18. So no news about making a PATH for Interlude?
  19. If you need help by doing this or you are stucked in some place just tell me :)
  20. Sorry for waisting your time, i thought that there is no login files in GS folder like in L2jfree. Problem solved. Please lock or remove this :)
  21. Hello, so i choosed L2jserver Interlude as my main server files. I have opened my eclipse and downloaded: L2J Server ~GS SVN~ ~DP SVN~ And i am wondering, where is login server SVN? How should i create server w/o them? Maybe it is shared somewhere else not in l2jserver forum? If someone know please give a proper link, thnx in advance. Best Regards, a1
  22. Rofl just open your wepongrp.dat itemname.dat, find dawn weps, copy paste the code, make some unique ids, add some sqls, xmls and you are done? 10 mins work =] GL
  23. what i am offering to you? Make adena unique id (and put adena icon) Make gold bar id 57(adena id) and put Gold Bar icon Finish =]
  24. thnx alot, i am going to see my eyes doctor tommorow =] Have a nice day.
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