So i added this code:
to my server, and i have one problem, i am not able to use potions, like greater healing potion, magic haste potion and etc.
the potions which i can use is: qhp, mana, cp which skilltype is "hot".
The point i want to add line that if i am with anti-buff effect, i can use potions or even buffs which has option target_self.
I am bad in java but i quess here:
// With Mystic Immunity you can't be buffed/debuffed
if (target.isBuffShieldOn())
So my quess it should be something like:
// Walls and Door should not be buffed
if(target.isBuffShieldOn && != SkillTargetType.TARGET_SELF ))
But i need correct edit :) i dont understand java, i just quess.
So maybe someone could help me with that?
I would be thankfull 4ever =]
Best Regards,