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Everything posted by a1

  1. very usefull! Thnx :)
  2. can you remake these for interlude pls?
  3. Hi people, i am asking/baking you to someone share ONEO Interlude workspace unbuilded? Maybe someone have it in your computer and could share it plz? Or write me a message, was searching for this 1 month result = 0 rofl...
  4. omfg you are creating server and dont know anything about it? rofl what with java then? bullshit... you can add skills to classes i mean (to prophet or human mage ir hieroprant and for some level and amount of SP) that you can make in skilltrees.sql
  5. Is it possible to make if you are in clan or nobles you are not able to change title? I am making system of pvp when you reach 50 (title 1), when you reac 100 (title2) and etc.. So anny suggestions how to disable title changing of nobles or if player is in clan?
  6. well look at id because it must be the same like the item
  7. Hi again, in weapon.xml configs soulbow and draconic bow atk.speed is not the same... but in game, it shoots in same time all bows, carnage-draconic-soul bow how i can fix this? L2jarchid
  8. if you talk about drop category you are wrong
  9. Ok hi, i have this problem: you kill rb with party , if someone other come and hit last hit on rb , he take all drop is it possible to make that people who make biggest dmg or party only can take the drop? Not people with last hit, ofc fixes in java i need :)
  10. case 7 dude
  11. very usefull and works in INterlude :)
  12. link dead
  13. will gonna be one of the best packs ever but i think for download it need 5000000000 post or more :D
  14. I get this eror and dont know what that means anyone can tell me?:D http://www.failai.in/P/1226861469_eror.JPG
  15. i have made subclass protection 15s... but still bugs can be made: i can fix it only in 1 way.. i need the code, when you press button change subclass, or cancel subclass to start another, all yours buffs will be canceled, can anyone help?
  16. I am having problem, people can attack themself, how i can fix it? in java ofc.
  17. Is it possible to make that castle walls could be enemys? Simple person not in Castle siege can hit them and kill? And how?
  18. How in java code writes summon? Maybe we can use this code, just change targetplayer to summon friend? + // L2JMODS Faction GvE - adena reward + if (Config.L2JMOD_GVE_GET_ADENA_BY_PVP && Config.L2JMOD_GVE_ENABLE_FACTION) + { if ((isgood() && targetPlayer.isgood()) || (isevil() && targetPlayer.isevil())) + { sendMessage("Cant get adena reward from same faction."); + sendPacket(new ActionFailed()); + return; } + else {
  19. what's the problem ? I see hero aura when i make 5 kills in a row, but only i, others dont see, i mean that u see aura only in your computer, other players can't see.. what the hell?
  20. nice share. Needed :)
  21. can u remake for IL plz?
  22. Hi, i want to make this system that: every 10 pvp (u get enchant skroll) like till 200 pvp u will get EWA after 200 pvp every 20 pvp u get EWS, till 3000, and every 50 of pvp u get BEWS... Is it possible and how ?:)
  23. Hi, i have made that when you create character it appears with 80 lvl, and when you add sub 80 lvl too... but when you create or add sub they have low hp (like 1 lvl full hp 200~) how can i make that they would be with full HP?
  24. Hi i am making faction system, and i want to know what and where i must change that, when player kill summon do not get pvp point?
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