The world is full of idiots... Some people have turned Lineage II into a business, destroying every piece of the old gameplay. Want a low rate server - buy "Vip account", buy "Donator Coins" etc... Want a pvp server - buy "++ Weapons/Armors", buy "Boss Jewels" etc, etc. My God, they've killed an great community for money! The Lineage II world is full of idiots.
Why the hell you've disabled the right mouse click on your website? Don't you know that it's useless when i turn off my javascript support? :D It's bored when i want to refresh the page... I see you've finally removed the fake counter, congratulations! :P Anyway, L2World will always be a name of a file in the model folder! ^^ Your developer isn't that good in private projects, when there are nobody who can revert his commits, when he fuckup something... :D
It shouldn't be this way... some idiots using DDoS for fun. No matter if the server is good or not, the only people who can decide if the server will succeed or not, are the players! Not an brainless idiots that thinking they are a "hackers" (in quotes because they are just an idiots).