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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. DB errors if i remember correctly - that makes cached go hicky hicky once sending packets to l2server upon startup. Verify ALL fields have correct data in the value-types their declared for said pledges in ALL pledge tables. Nothing to do with internal network\memory. ...but i can only check over a week from now so.
  2. Can't check now but sounds right ish. out and not able to check source until 8th of august. Fishing stacking should also be fixed.
  3. Bewis is here, i'm not needed.
  4. For you because your unable to quickly build it or build it within meaningful timeframe. Doesn't mean your everyone. And you can't build a daemon out of scripts, base was always GF with HF until the private HFs started popping up. It's known HF exists, freya never existed outside NCSoft. And rumours state Freya-scripts leaked by human error in NC West. By pure public servers we know HF,GOD, Tauti, Lindvior,Glory, Ertheia is in the "private circle" hands. That should tell you someone has had long term and almost permanent access to NC or a partner with NCSoft contracts (Take a wild geuss which). Which perhaps still exists today perhaps still not (slowdown lately of "new chronicle servers") - but since HF someone more or less had access to build this concession of leaks per chronicle with almost clockwise swiss perfection to run public servers in N-1 fashion against retail updates. The ONLY reason GF leaked is because those same people physically let go of the files - since it was probably a one-off sale at that given time. Yet here we are years later and nothing new has leaked since then. Geuss all you want - but all logic dictates the ship that started GF has been severely tightened and is very well managed up until now. One can assume that means their revenue ambitions\demands still follow suit - and until that changes public will see nothing.
  5. No, it will not. Because you have not understood how it leaks in the first place - nor that "eventually" is a very ambigious and pointless term to use here. (And funny how you skip H5, when will it leak mister?). It does matter when something publicly leaks or when something gets in hand privately to people. A GOD++ leak now is worth alot to the right people - but of course not as much as when you were solo'ing the market with 3-4 live servers globally with the files. Scripts are worthless alone to anyone except l2j people - it's too much work to do GF>up (hell even H5>Up - if your one of the few people with the physical files) for what will most likely be chum change compared to invested time. ...GOD++> up however sets a base that's entirely workable in a decent timeframe.
  6. ...when you have the bins of any god++ let the right people know ;)
  7. 1. Yes. And L2npc can pause-stop execution of active instances if no player near. In c4 its a switch in menu - whereas its more automated in GF. 2. Yes 3. Yes - although coNfirmed that iN last post last answer.
  8. 1. No. Go see 1. of previous post - and research l2npc for true definitions. Anything in native handlers can be considered fairplay - rest should be tested. 2. Is frintezza native ? - no it's custom-made. 3. Yes. 4. GG is a namespace, not a variable, event or similar. call_super does exactly what it says, calls the superceeding class, no more no less. 5. All living used objects need to be declared in the handler. How logic specificly works\requires - you can find in l2npc. I do not recall the side-effects of not declaring - but there are some- While the code may technicly execute to your desired effect. (probably memory leaks and wastage for cleanup when handler is done). 6. Oh look, r8\r9 is not used anywhere - where are they? Dumb question. .text:000000000082CEB0 sub_82CEB0 proc near .text:000000000082CEB0 push rbp .text:000000000082CEB2 sub rsp, 20h .text:000000000082CEB6 mov rbp, rdx .text:000000000082CEB9 lea rcx, [rbp+48h] .text:000000000082CEBD call sub_402930 .text:000000000082CEC2 add rsp, 20h .text:000000000082CEC6 pop rbp .text:000000000082CEC7 retn .text:000000000082CEC7 sub_82CEB0 endp
  9. If you actually viewed AI you'd see it make sense. i0 to i9 are empty integer storage registers for integer vars c is the same for creatures. _list are list variables of creatures\members used to store run thru checks for quests when a party is the last attacker. code_info is related as well. The actual logic for why things are coded this way i forget - but going thru AI should reveal why the need for temporary storage vars are needed. I believe but i can't remember for sure - it's used for proper threading\handling due to l2npc lag being a very real thing when badly coded handlers are executed 100 times per second. This is especially true for itemgiving \ dropping commands that go back to l2server with interpacket communication. If no logic is found - then l2npc is always there to research why specificly. Either way following their syntax\logic for new quests is advised.
  10. Pontoise Samedi.
  11. 1. No, leaked files generally do not contain guides on how to optimally abuse their intellectual propety. 2. You have the programs that use them, go research. ...but should be a list of a function events and handlers in this forum somewhere for both GF & C4, most are self explanatory. 3. See above. 4. myself is the AI instance\class where code is executed, which doesn't always mean a NPC instance but could be a Makerinstance also. 5. A CSharedCreatureData struct within AI class, for npc instances. 6. Yes, see 2. 7. Load time, not run time. 8. If declared properly, yes. 9. See above. 10. A watch list, most likely used with l2logd. Fairly pointless for most private servers. Probably monitoring measures if large quantity or rare items suddenly explode within the game world. 11. Same as skill_pch - just with different data. 12. Same as above, with quest.
  12. I'm amazed some of you still fall into the same trap he lays out all time - and then he manages to do what you claim he has not done for his own server. When someone preys on your logical attention to achieve his objective - just don't give "it" the satisfaction ;) DopeAgent: Consider the statement "People don't want to play the same anymore". The ask yourself what has been given the last few years - since nothing new is offered... and are you offering anything else? If we look at what's given it's predominantly the following: C6, GF, Freya,H5. So lets ask the question - why do people play L2 still? Is it because they like the game, the nostalgia - or is it because they want to play L2 but completely re-designed? That's why your plan will fail. People still want to play - but no-one is just offering the right version because quite frankly no one has the time or ability to deliver it. Deliver what they want, build that - not a crazy mutant of what's already offered in the name of "freshness". You saw a shortcoming that's been in the market for years - but instead of listening to the market...you created your own fix\cure that YOU think will "rock". People want to play L2 - not Lineage Legends 2 Dota Version X or similar ;)
  13. Yea that doesn't look suspiciously alot like a reseller - using GoD as bait...AT ALL. Nope, all smooth legit here.
  14. Several editors do this, including HFs + Petre's. If one can find them still.
  15. You can geuss by just looking at how it's configged. Oldschool herb systems were created by dropping based on id of mobs i think. with different groups tied to different mobs. post config.
  16. RAW Npcdata, short of extended config\hooks for it via an extender.
  17. All quests are AI.obj based and have fixed storage method for variables and data. Seeing basic AI will sort of let you figure out what's possible or not - within AI. Anything beyond that needs to be coded. Certain systems are hardcoded with basic controls in AI.obj ala Olympiad and SSQ.
  18. Firstly you can't do this - natively without some trickery. Because no one anticipated the need for a skilleffect to cancel specific skills. With one exception - there is a forgotten C4 effect called i_dispel_by_name not used in native c4 files. Which calls CCreature::DispelByNames - which has 2 args, ccreature & a vector with wchar pointers. one could try: i_dispel_by_name;{name1;name2;name3;etcetc} ..but since you have no direct documentation, you gotta experiment. Secondly: Adding a skill that automaticly is cast by area ticking as a passive seems dumb idea. Given that the area timer system is setup to cast skills listed per tick - and passives are designed to be constantly removed every tick and then readded based on the player passive skill list. Conflict is bound to happen with a p skill approach. ...and adding a skill that dispel active abnormals based on ammount\chance\slot_type - and expecting it to magicly just dispel only a specific list of buffs you only have in your mind is very illogical and stupid. Machines can't read your mind - you need to tell it specificly what to do.
  19. Everything is normally tied to some ID\Name or similar in script files with any GM Command. ...and so is the case of Territory Wars, Clan Halls, Castle Sieges etc. it's all in castledata.txt
  20. As said in PM. Dawid chooses his time wisely now (smart of him) - and advext is still open but requires payment for every single possible small thing. I've not checked recently, but it used to be that AdvExt had better retail scripts (like certain siegeable clan halls quests etc) - while dawid offered a ton of costume "mods" people paid for over time.
  21. 1. Well when you start attacking me - because you can't read english - i should just do what? nothing? Learn to read. 2. No i didnt - again read. Your english becomes the center point here wether you like it or not. At no point did i insult it. I discussed java, i discussed knowledge, i discussed l2j spiraling down to same fate l2off has now. Which was relevant with an open question such as: "Where be all da brainz at?!". 3. You insulted maxtor and his server - and that it was somehow my fault BEFORE you reported, dumbass. You wanna be a martyr? like your the victim and thats why it's okay nothing happens? What about stuff only happening because it's justice and true? Yea forget that - let's just tell everyone nothing happens now NOT because your just wrong - but because maxtor and nepotism.. Good one. Good argument. You have no leg on the third - and the first two are because you don't read. I assume because you of previous hatred of me (When you apparently didn't understand basic communication protocols between computers) - and it says l2off in my name due to fanboidom of a platform.
  22. No, cause i didn't say that. Your deflecting like a little kid - grow up. Control of bytecode vs no control whatsoever - geuss which is chosen when you want the max utilization. PS: Where's the MMO's that use java for serverside? oh Minecraft? great example.
  23. 1. You didn't tell me where i did look for a fight - i didn't look for a fight, i told you to read my comments - because you can't read\understand english well. 2. I didn't insult l2j - i said l2j is heading the sameway l2off is (this is the 4th time i tell you that - lets hope you learn to read english). As a platform one can debate which is best. 3. You insulted me and started mentioning maxtor (no relevance) - and failed servers i have NOTHING to do with. You should not talk about respect - when your the instigator and the one using aggressive words to start a fight intrepid.
  24. Except it's not directly 100% iron. Your at 100% mercy what JIT decides the iron part to be - sometimes super excellent sometimes.. not. While your the own master of the iron with a managed language (up to the assembly point). If the iron is rusty - the programmer is rusty. Regardless of language. Thus we're back at the start - and your factually kinda wrong.
  25. This is called memory. This is not exclusive to your God - THE JIT.
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