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Everything posted by sagivstern

  1. yJlFRV9c4_Y&feature=related 0AxaUOPdWcg&feature=related lol
  2. uham u mean starters guides? this is useful but what about 22-85? (i bet your doing it right now) it looks good might aswell save time. thanks
  3. hahahaha nice. if this works ill be really happy, thanks for share
  4. LOLZ nice, liked the part with the exploit through the door at start... good one... anyways its sad theres no npc on the server... you would go sell em some mana pots and be rich xD
  5. good. i play on dn... in c4 it was better but i love this "patch" thing edit: works thanks alot
  6. thats not true.... l2 is becoming far superior to any game... this is the feature
  7. SMgGC9W-ks8&feature=related tgZoRurzM0Q the artist is amazing
  8. huh?! when was windows 1-6? i only know of 2000 xp prof etc'.. it sounds better but ill never know until ill try... thanks for the heads up
  9. i like it... it works perfect just has some small delay on my computer.... maybe cuz its old... idk anyways useful for downloading at night and shut down the computer while sleeping thanks
  10. nice share detectable? thanks again
  11. I Hate partys, i go alone. - LOL anyways im a mage pt guy no one can beat that
  12. newer cuz u dont absloutly know you gonna get a m.crt just like fighter they dont always get crits then its balanced
  13. WcaslP9ODAk&feature=related -rxCWpUqE_o enjoy
  14. you can buy anti-viruses at any computer shop... you can also do it online heres a few sites of what i think are the best anti viruses http://www.mcafee.com/us/ http://www.kaspersky.com/ http://www.eset.com/
  15. wow... lol 224MB thanks for share... this will be useful talk to an admin on forum to add this to a stickie or something
  16. No entriesl2_banana-system download rates: safe=50 max=50 xp=6000 sp=6000 adena=6000 no custom armos and weaps yet server rules: if you talk bad to a gm you will be auto//ban XD looks like a general pvp server... ill give it a try
  17. can i disable the Portuguese part? i mean can it be edited? i like the rest just dont want that language but i like it even with the Portuguese part since i already know what is everything thanks for share...
  18. best on AM+A +18.7 m.atk!!! and some cp hp mp crap... worst on AM+A +19.8 P.atk +8.5 cp +0.1 cp regeneration
  19. its a car game... woohoo. and now seriously... im kinda disappointed... it wasnt what i expected it to be... its 2 repetitive now
  20. try reloging... u need a friend for this or lots of luck.... log out before it dies talk with friend which is inside the game near the boss and when it dies he tells you to log in u log in no scene and pick up not sure if will work cuz maybe u get teleported out if you log in after its dead
  21. well... what would be the point? 1st he gets attacked... he moves right away... to get far from you... which cancels this exploit 2nd im not sure it works on servers where in town its safe zone... thanks for share tho
  22. shity 3D theme park... such a crappy game
  23. lol i love these stupid desktop shit... always makes u happy... :D
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