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  1. HELLO TO ALL.I have a big ploblem.My autovote reward doesnt work.L2JFrozen pack rev1056.i use this old pack cause iam developing it since 2018 . so i cant change to new rev. Thanks
  2. yy pack is l2jfrozen ok guys thanks you. i find it . i should change queen ant lvl from 40 to 80.thanks a lot
  3. MrTitanas how can i change this ? do you know ?
  4. MrTitanas what you mean make sure that you killing with right level char coz more that 8 lv = no drop ?
  5. yy category is 0. no i dont made any edits after the edit. also i dont respawn the QA. Just i make rr the server.all this because i cant delete it. i have added other npc for rb just its type it is not L2GrandBoss .
  6. Good morning guys . I have a problem with my personal server.When i kill RB Queen Ant , it doesnt drop anything, maybe something bug or any option. i have serached a lot but i don't find something .Also , rb have a droplist. Can anyone help me ? Thanks
  7. Hello to all.I had a big problem with l2topzone and i want to shared with you because this offence is about THEIR BEHAVIOUR AND THE PEOPLE WHO WORK THERE.I have a problem with my account. i changed the email from my topone account because it was old . THEIR verification system doesn't work ok maybe doesn't exists and so the veryficatation email NEVER sent to my new email. I HAVE SENT THEM dozen of emails , but nothing.NOONE was generous in order to answer me for 2 weeks. Anyway , i thought that it will be more easy to create a new topzone account and sent them an message via their forum .So i do this and when i try to find a solution for this problem with one of their staff, ADMIN TAKE ΤΗΕ BEST INITIATIVE TO BANN ME FOR EVER .THEY ARE THE WORST SITE EVER . THEY HAVE THE WORST SUPPORT FROM EVERY OTHER SITE. I HAD SAME PROBLEM WITH L2NETWORK AND THEY HELP ME WITH ALL THEIR ALL THEIR EFFORT. JUST RANK THEM AS THE WORST SITE EVER
  8. Hello guys....I have last rev of l2jhellas (505) , last rev of java (8.0.66) and eclipse-java-luna-SR2.I go to make build and it says: BUILD FAILED C:\workspace\L2JHellasC\build.xml:214: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svn": CreateProcess error=2, Δεν είναι δυνατή η εύρεση του καθορισμένου αρχείου από το σύστημα Total time: 3 seconds Have you any ideas ? Please tell me !!!
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