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Everything posted by FightToTheDeath

  1. Hmm On l2 UW they were increaseing enchant rates when the pll were voting xixii ^^
  2. Poly wraio. Megalo alla wraio, to diavasa olo . Makari na vgei se tainia btw guys exei vgei kamia tainia lineage2 ? aporw :P
  3. pali prob me to domain...
  4. To change the color of the text while in-game click the ~ key to open the console and type con_color xxx xxx xxx replace xxx xxx xxx with RGB (Red, Green, Blue) scale colors, example con_color 255 255 255 would change the console text color to pure white. To change the color while not in-game, open your config.cfg located in your cstrike directory and add the value to the end of the file, then save. Credits to : DarkSoul
  5. This guide is to instal Metamod and AMX mod X to your own server Download Amx mod X and metamod 1. You'll need to download the AMX mod X base for this search on google for: amxmodx-1.76a-base.zip but try to take a new version and not the 1.76 2. Then you need to package for cstrike so also search on google for amxmodx-1.76a-cstrike.zip but with the good version this time ( the good version is the one that you downloaded at the first step ) 3.Search metamod-1.19p28-win32.zip on google but try to take a newest version Extraction of these zip 1. unzip the first zip that you downloaded ( amx mod x base ) into your addon folder that is found in cstrike ( cstrike is found in your server folder ) 2.unzip the second zip ( amx mod x for cstrike ) and also put it into cstrike/addons ( it should ask you to over write some files, just accept it ) 3. Unzip metamod and creat 2 new folders - one will be nammed metamod that will be in cstrike/addons - the second one will be dlls that will be in cstrike/addons/metamod 3.1 Now put metamod.dll ( found in the metamod zip ) into cstrike/addons/metamod/dlls This was the easy parts now come the rough one Configurations of liblist.gam to active metamod First you need to edit liblist.gam found in the cstrike folder : Change that line: gamedll "dlls\mp.dll" For: gamedll "addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll" Creation and configuration of plugins.ini to active Amx Mod X Create the file plugins.ini in cstrike/addons/metamod, and add this : win32 addons\amxmodx\dlls\amxmodx_mm.dll Now restart your server to see if Amx mod X is running Restart your server or open it if it wasn't on then write Meta list and look if it's like that: Image will be posted later Credits : to budin and me
  6. Its not the posts you havent share anything to obtain a reputation in here. So do the things that have been posted and hope for something better :)
  7. Welcome ;D
  8. I dont think that you should aplly for a l2 moderator since we dont see any thread for apllications. But you can post your shares , obtain karma , become an uploader ( who can be the future moderators ) For example : fakoukas ;D
  9. hehe yea this is a nice way to grow the community of your server or your server you are playing. I remember that some of us did that on L2][underWorld. XIxixix ;D Nice stefoulis15
  10. poly wraia kai emena to prwto m arese :P Den 8a htan omws kalytero na to postareis sto youtube thread ? xD
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=20560.15 guidao10 >_> he posts in his/her language.
  12. Actually i agree with sess , i saw the ss he posted and they remember me some of us.... Im bored too to see some Greeks spam in shout asking , begging , talking to other in greek. So 6 months now i avoid to play greek servers or servers with a lot of greeks. My opinion is that sess did the right thing . PS : Greeks are very good pll but there a lot of greeks we saw on the ss.
  13. Pistols The best friend of Snipers and Rushers alike, the Pistol can be a deadly sidearm is used properly. In Counter-Strike a pistol is the only piece of equipment you will recive automaticlly at the start of each round. Terrorist will get a Glock 18 while Counter-Terrorist will get the USP. Different pistols are useful for different things, so be sure to read each section to know what each pistol is good for. The Pistols are : 9X19MM SIDEARM KM .45 Tactical 228 COMPACT NIGHT HAWK .50C ES FIVE-SEVEN .40 DUAL ELITES ===================================================================================== Shotguns Shotguns are powerful at close range, less effective at medium range and suicide at long range. They are excellent for small maps like fy_iceworld and fy_pool_day. In Counter-Terrorism missions, Counter-Terrorists use shotguns not as assault weapons, but rather as entry methods. A shotgun is used to blow doors open when lock picking would take far too long and silence has been thrown out the window. Shotguns are : LEONE 12 GAUCE SUPER LEONE YG1265 AUTO SHOT ===================================================================================== Sub-Machine-Guns ( SMG ) Sub-machine guns are just what they sound like, they aren't quite machine guns, but rather a smaller, more compact form of them. SMGs should be used if you don't have enough money for a Rifle, or if you are skilled with them. SMG are : SCHMIDT MACHINE PISTOL INGRAM MAC-10 KM SUB-MACHINE GGUN KM UMP45 ES C90 ============================================================================================= Rifles This is the only section of guns in the buy menu where they are a bit mixed Rifles are : CLARION 5.56 IDF DEFENDER SCHMIDT SCOUT MAVERICK M4A1 CARBINE CV-47 BULLPUP KRIEG 550 COMMANDO KRIEG 552 MAGNUM SNIPER RIFLE D3/AU-1 ============================================================================================== Machine Guns M249 ===> The sole Machine Gun of Counter-Strike, this gun is hardly ever used by serious players, it is usually used by people fooling round or beginners thinking "It's a MG so it must be good" I'm here to tell you this isn't the case. The recoil is so heavy on this gun it will be unlikely you will be able o kill anyone at medium range, forget long range all together, the only kills I have ever gotten with this gun was at close range where my massive 100 bullet clip prevailed. ============================================================================================== Equipment KEVLAR KEVLAR + HELMET FLASHBANG HE GRENADE SMOKE GRENADE DEFUSAL KIT NIGHTVISION TACTICAL SHIELD ============================================================================================================
  14. o_O this dagger is very handsome ;D Gj Critical ;D
  15. lol the first time i saw i thought that it was fake ;D
  16. καλως ηρθες Κατερινα ;D
  17. i just have heard friends , they told that to me if im wrong someone post and correct me ;D
  18. as i remember the greek ip is banned
  19. yea and max enchant unlimited. This server is so unbalanced.
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=20903.0 server has been posted again.
  21. oggis => spams l2 private server section , he has been replyed to 6-7 threads.
  22. i have the same problem any solution pyromaker? -.-
  23. Very nice zunix ;D It will differ from the other :P
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