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Everything posted by FightToTheDeath

  1. Nice guide Hackz0r . Thank you.
  2. Very nice guide Hackz0r and it is easy to understand. ;D
  3. Cool Imperium Downloading. ;D
  4. Actually its Book Of Giants :P
  5. Very nice i was looking for it , if you could upload and duals crok too... ;D Again thx ;D
  6. If i were god i would do all Hackz0r said + giving him the kitty in my avatar ;D
  7. Guys relax ( vent00za ) And i think this is not a flaming topic , it is just a warning topic from hackz0r and i think a lot of users think like hackz0r :) ( lol ) And i totally agree with Hackz0r . 8) My personal opinion : i hate platinum members , too many permosions , they think that they are something like mods. Ex : a plat member locked this topic : THE LAST ONE POSTING HERE IS THE BEST And ALEX2008GR has changed his mind , he became more.....mmmmmm....he thinks that he changed rank from lower - higher. Tnx :-* :-*
  8. Xronia Polla 8)
  9. O_o
  10. Den nmz oti ton dolofonisan gia games alla gia kati alla gia ksesa8arisma logariasmwn
  11. Nice but you should post it at OFF-TOPIC Because here it is general discussion for games ;D . Anyway nice TuT.
  12. Very nice Hackz0r , better with this explanation !! ;D
  13. You cant post other video man , only 1 . :S Or you mean the old video you have made ? ;D On Topic : Nice vid too.
  14. Forever Armors <=== ALL Forever Shield AM + Empower +16 DB + Focus + 17 Forever Staff + 15 Forever Shield ( Unique ) 1000 Titan Golds.
  15. Nice server but it lags a lot.
  16. I liked Hackz0r video , it was perfect , i liked the fotos ^^
  17. Someone may update his post like ALEX2008GR did . :P
  18. pwnz0r eliosa ;D
  19. I like them very much , lets test them ;D
  20. Ohh these HTML Codes are really usefull. Tnx
  21. Very nice avatars , downloading ;D
  22. Pwnz0r Share Critical Tnx. ^^
  23. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21466.0 And here you can see some of the new features.
  24. Nice share xxrxx , it will help a lot ;D
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