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Everything posted by wakowako

  1. After reading lot of mixed comments in many places where these files have been shared, can anyone confirm if they really have a backdoor? They seem too good to be true.
  2. What do you mean with skills are wrong made?
  3. It is free or you are selling it? I dont understand :P
  4. The base l2jserver pack is actually stable for a live server?
  5. I have seen a lot of controversy with this pack. Is it really worth to use on a server? It has backdoors/exploits? What is the problem with these files?
  6. Hey guys, whats the web of awakendev?
  7. Anyone tested it? 1 post user.
  8. Im having some troubles with the bot. Lets say it targets the mobs in the list but doesnt attack them. Just targets them over and over. Hopefully you can give me some advice. Thanks for the bot and keep up the good work :D
  9. Guys, your web registration is working? It always says im doing the security answers wrong ._.
  10. Thank you very much, i was looking for this :D
  11. I have added the item in .xml and when i try to add it on gm char it says "Item doesnt exist"
  12. I tried it already, but i should be doing something wrong because my client doesnt start when i add them (No critical error, no error at all.) It just opens the freya splash screen and closes :S
  13. Can anyone share armorgrp with those items in? I cant add them.
  14. I also was looking for a cool pack with events and everything working but now i see al those repplys i dont know what to think about this server pack.
  15. I Cant manage to make it work ._.
  16. If u put 2 items in the same category u will have only one dropping. Lets say that if u have wind stone, earth stone and water stone in the same category just ONE of these will drop at time. Btw wrong section
  17. Is there any way that with one passive skill i can increase all debuffs landing rate? If yes, could you please post the code?. Thanks in advance!
  18. Whats the point on playing the game that way? Learn to play...
  19. i think its a cheat to change online players in the server :S
  20. Another excellent share by critical.
  21. Repply to see. Nice screen, but im not gonna use it :p
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