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Everything posted by bauwbas

  1. Its useless if you don't have geodata, cuz without it - you can easy run trough the wall.... Just press with mouse over wall some place and make rr. After re-login you will be behind wall...
  2. He want that you have one WareHouse for all characters...
  3. Or just open navicat, click acounts table, pres ctrl + d, select email field and set "Default: 0" BTW write 0 to email, where for already created accounts.
  4. You must enter via Crystal to baium lair (Behind door of baium lair), with Blooded Item (don't remember name, but its from baium quest)
  5. Look that cloak you adding, maybe Dynasty, not Vesper... BTW you must wear all vesper set.
  6. Best Revision is LATEST revision... Lol, what point of this question? Use l2jserver
  7. server\gameserver\data\recipes.xml - edit for indegrediants and for item what you want to make LineageII\system\Recipe-c.dat - edit same id... Its for client side, for people that they can see that need to make for an item.
  8. So what point use this one? Better download l2jserver svn and add all "anti-phx" from MxC...
  9. I answer like you always answer to other ppl... Look at java source code and make that ppl can't discard adena's, other item they can.... Done... BTW write to scoria support to help you.
  10. Likeriz created same sh1ts with xml all his server :) Buff.xml, faction.xml, map.xml and etc :) Nice work Intrepid :)
  11. Not LoginSERVERHostanme, but LoginHost
  12. I don't know all these numbers, but l2j server now using Epilogue... And yeah, way don't touch l2.ini? :??
  13. When you get this error? You can login to your server or not? If no, i thing you done mistake in gameserver\config\server.properties _______________________________________________________________________ # Where's the Login server this gameserver should connect to # Default: LoginHost = _______________________________________________________________________ i think you changed this ip to your own and gs server cannot connect to login server.
  14. There is already posted with PM... Take this one, with trade and with $. hmmm, try to use same code, but change that sendmsg (i don't know how to call it, cuz i am learning too)... Look for example from handlers\chathandlers
  15. DELETE spawnlist, npc FROM spawnlist, npc WHERE spawnlist.npc_templateid=npc.idTemplate AND npc.type='L2Teleporter'; delete all teleporters from spawnlist.... I don't know SQL codes, but i know there is REPLACE command, try to serach in this forum useful sql codes, and search some1thing with replace...
  16. Pointblank.ru its second point blank server (first one Korean) and this is tottaly free, but client is in russian language, so if you don't understand its not very good :// :P
  17. you can't change in ct2.3 protocol version from 1 to 999, change back.... Maybe you using other client? Not ct2.3, maybe ct2.4... If no, so change system, download other one and then change l2.ini h4sin you should be banned, becouse you always writing to edit some java core files and always don't say what... Genius...
  18. I don't find where delete xDDDD Try to look other quest, maybe you find script line where automatically add drop (item) to inventory :)
  19. scripts/events/SquashEvent/SquashEvent.java { 12774, 1060, 100 }, // Lesser Healing potion { 12774, 1062, 50 }, // Haste potion // High Quality Squash { 12775, 1539, 100 }, // Greater Healing potion { 12775, 1375, 70 }, // Greater Swift Attack Potion { 12775, 1459, 50 }, // Crystal c-grade // Low Quality Squash { 12776, 1061, 100 }, // Healing potion { 12776, 1062, 70 }, // Haste potion { 12776, 1458, 50 }, // Crystal d-grade // Large Young Squash { 12777, 1061, 100 }, // Healing potion { 12777, 1374, 50 }, // Greater Haste potion // High Quality Large { 12778, 1539, 100 }, // Greater Healing potion { 12778, 6036, 70 }, // Greater Magic Haste Potion { 12778, 1459, 40 }, // Crystal c-grade // Low Quality Large { 12779, 6035, 70 }, // Magic Haste Potion { 12779, 1458, 50 }, // Crystal d-grade // King { 13016, 1540, 100 }, // Quick Healing Potion { 13016, 1460, 40 }, // Crystal b-grade { 13016, 5234, 20 }, // Mystery Potion // Emperor { 13017, 1540, 100 }, // Quick Healing Potion { 13017, 20004, 40 }, // Energy Ginseng { 13017, 1461, 20 }, // Crystal a-grade { 13017, 5234, 10 } // Mystery Potion change drop... delete and leave one item per monster... About auto loot: i think need to change these lines if(drop[1] > 20000) ((L2MonsterInstance)mob).dropItem(player, drop[1], 2); else ((L2MonsterInstance)mob).dropItem(player, drop[1], Rnd.get(2, 6)); continue; from dropItem to addItem, but its only suggest... Wait for some1 skilled in python and he answer you. :) p.s. Rnd.get(2, 6)); 2 and 6 its drop count, from two to six... p.s.s. delete some1 my first post.... :///
  20. *delete* this post :/
  21. In navicat open helper_buff_list and edit lower_level and upper_level :)
  22. Try to check configs... For my server is in l2jmods.properties # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mana Drugs/Potions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This option will enable core support for: # Mana Drug (item ID 726), using skill ID 10000. # Mana Potion (item ID 728), using skill ID 10001. EnableManaPotionSupport = False so change from false to true
  23. Open in navicat char_templates and you find all class ids...
  24. You need PlayerClass? There it go http://rapidshare.com/files/404521184/PlayerClass.java.html Thank you for helping.
  25. Lazy? I know that i must edit village or playerclass, but i don't know what exactly need to edit... What point of this forum help if no1 help... Only spaming.... BTW MadBoy i don't need kamael to wear heavy so i don't need edit armorgrp.......... I asking only one simple thing (for xAddytzu or Interpid)....................
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