This program was created by Lithuanian team, and its call linmod.
With this program you can fast create l2.ini file, easy and fast edit *.dat files, create a launcher and patcher.
Ok lets start :]
1. First of all you need found your lineage2 system path, by pressing browse button.
2. Writing ip into l2.ini
Server Ip adress: Write your ip adress of your server
Resolution: Write your pc resolution, its save into options.php
Camera distance: I thing we don't need description :)
Then you evertything done, press Modify button
3. l2.ini viewer
4. *.DAT editor
Version: Choose your Lineage2 version, c4, c5 and etc.
File: Choose what file you want to edit
5. SFX Maker (Patcher)
Windows title: Title of your patcher
Info text: Short info about your server or etc.
Icon: Your server icon. (If you don't have one, we add you our default)
Shortcut name: Patcher name
6. Launcher Builder
Launcher title: Title of your launcher
Server adress: Your server website
HTTP file Server Adress: Adress where are ceaping your server file, im talking about system. This adress is need to download server system or etc files.
Icon: Your server icon, if you don't have one, we add you our default
Picture 430x140: Launcher banner
Thats all. Good luck :]