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Everything posted by bauwbas

  1. But the skills are not active. What you mean? Certifications skill are Passive.. And if you want to say that you can't get skills, so you need talk with npc then you are in bace class.. Or, wait. You saying, that skills don't add status?
  2. This NPC show in game Top PvP, pk, nobless ordered by pvp, adena and clan in game... TOP PVP, PK, NOBLESS, CLAN don't show GM characters... Tested On Gracia Final L2JServer pack... Working... Credits: I really don't know :D becouse i found in some kind forum, but it was not working, so i changed and added Adena, Nobless, Clan tops.. :) Download link: http://dump.ru/file/4510805 http://depositfiles.com/ru/files/duwd95sjv P.S. This npc based on Jython language..
  3. No problem, have more question or some1 can lock topic?
  4. I recomend to write in hands... I always doing like this, copy/paste xml file and write id, and i don't have any problem... If i need id im looking at game per alt + g, or checking navicat... All these writing id, price and etc. takes only few minutes.. and this tool, omg, second day Am1go not resolve his problem, what the hell per two days, i can create hundrens on c/p xml files.. So conclusion, or write by your self, or i don't know search for another tool how Intrepid already said.
  5. For Intrepid: His problem is, that he can't start Multisell Editor program... Error img, is showed on first post... Am1go... CritticalError said: "man just do this.. unistall and delete all files are installed mysql and re-install service done with this ur mysql work"
  6. Search, search and one more time search... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=76766.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=55749.0
  7. It's from Russian CMS called MoyWeb try to serach in google.
  8. I don't know i think archid is dead project, i'm not using this sh1ty packs... try search google.com or let google to do for your self: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=l2jarchid+svn
  9. Ok, download this archid interlude pack http://hotfile.com/dl/16882250/c418b67/archid1289.zip.html take quest and html files...
  10. Check sql server setup, how Iterpid said.
  11. Ok, I don't know this work 4 you or no, becouse I take it from Gracia final and I think I deleted all kamael text.. So, try better do like Interpid said, take from archid. http://hotfile.com/dl/24895866/4b8e6a7/255_Tutorial.rar.html
  12. There is your Framework on 64 bit.. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=B44A0000-ACF8-4FA1-AFFB-40E78D788B00&displaylang=en use google search :)
  13. AAAAAAA.... Tai taip ir reikejo sakyt kad programa neveikia :D Requirements: Microsoft .NET 2 Framework (here) Installation: 1. Unpack the rar-archive 2. Batch/add the sql-file "item_icon.sql" into your l2jdb database 3. Edit the "option.ini" ( input your mysql data ) 4. Run the L2Multisell and have fun Padariai viska? Turi micrsoft net'a? ir apskritai, kam tos tupos programos? Jau geriau paciam surasyt ir nebus problemu. Ok, ok Interpid...
  14. First of all: WRONG SECTION Second: Write in English
  15. riiiight.... Ok, what chronicle you use and what pack(l2jfree, l2jserver or what?)
  16. eik i data\multisell padaryk copy xml faila ir paste... Pavadink ji pvz 65535... Tada nueik i npc html ir pridek tokia eilute <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Multisell 65535">TAVO TEKSTAS</a><br> ir psio.. i xml surasysi id uz ka perki ir ka perki..
  17. nu kam? Turiu omeny, pasiemi krc susikuri *.xml faila surašai id, pridedi ta xml prie Npc chato ir viskas.. Ar tu webui čia kažką nori, kad ištrauktu iš mysql? Ar npc, kad pardavinėtu?
  18. Thic npc called: Broken Bookshelf ID's: 31526, 31533, 31534, 31535 Type: L2NPC... Its how I say already from quest..
  19. LT: Parasyt lietuviskai savo posta.. EN: Write in LT your post, becouse its a lot mistake and I dont undrestand.. or in RU :D In other hand multisell don't use sql... Only merchants_shops// And what the point to edit option.ini? EDIT: Xa, i saw your img. and ammm... Try to check you connections, mabe you add password or mabe not...
  20. He have if he see this window... But i think he want remove that speaker voice or mabe change :D I really don't know, becouse i don't understand what he write :D xe
  21. What you want remove tutorial windows then start or what? If yes, try to delete these lines in EnterWorld.java private void loadTutorial(L2PcInstance player) { QuestState qs = player.getQuestState("255_Tutorial"); if (qs != null) qs.getQuest().notifyEvent("UC", null, player); } If you want change text, or reward or something else.. go to data\scripts\quests\255_Tutorial and edit __init__.py
  22. Open your folder where is all your java files... Then press ctrl + f and write in field Olympiad.
  23. If your server stand 24/7 on your pc, you can leave your web on your pc.
  24. So why you don't said that? "I cant find 1 link to Mon Items" "and have fixed glow " WTF... Mabe use one time search? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=106219.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21122.0 GOOGLE ALLMIGHTY http://www.google.lt/search?hl=lt&source=hp&q=l2j+monster+weapons&btnG=Google+Paie%C5%A1ka&meta=&aq=undefined&oq=l2j+monster+weapon
  25. OMG... Onix you pvp advise, is "really cool"... Kids these zones creating, then add in gk word "PVP ZONA. POWN ALL"... DAVC take my guide step by step, but change Town type to Arena type... Done..
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