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Everything posted by bauwbas

  1. mabe you changed quest name? If yes, change quest names in html's.
  2. OMG, are you kidding me? You added 4 books in fking npc and its share? OMG, in this section only stupid npc and benefit from this zero... No point for these npc, omg moderators create a new rule "DO NOT POST STUPID NPC's"... Sorry for my opinion, but I think so, and in these days all newbie java "programers" can create a such kind npc's...
  3. Fence don't have geodata, so imposible to walk through it :) But its really good to close certains places :) I saw it on l2jserver and its working for me... BTW exist such command ///fence and its spawn 4 litle square :)
  4. Lauq quote: "IL doesnt have these buttons, so that has to be changed then too..." So for Interlude need rework this npc, i think its imposible to do with no error's :)
  5. Oh, nice thank you... I have just question, becouse interesting to me, what mean that ... < 66: ... < 33 that these numbers mean ?:)
  6. If you add priority to java.exe, so before restart change back to normal priority... One friend on my, have same problem.
  7. Hallo, i have question, how i can create a few teleport location.. For exmample i have 3 coordinates location: 1 --------------2 | | | | | 3--------------- and i press on my custom teleporter button: "Wall of Agros" and I want that one time teleporter teleport me to location 1, second for exmaple to 3... Random coord... I think i need to create this teleporter based jython language... I found tele script on 247_PossessorOfAPreciousSoul_4 quest elif event == "31740-5.htm" : if cond == 1 : st.set("cond","2") st.takeItems(CARADINE_LETTER_LAST,1) st.getPlayer().teleToLocation(143209,43968,-3038) So i need something, like this st.getPlayer().teleToLocation(1545,43968,-3038) st.getPlayer().teleToLocation(143209,43968,-3038) st.getPlayer().teleToLocation(14251129,-45468,-3038) st.getPlayer().teleToLocation(1454209,44968,-2138) a few cord... I think you understand me.
  8. how do you know? :D If you really know, you don't create topics like this ;pppp
  9. <stat name='spawnX' val='10870'/> <stat name='spawnY' val='-24804'/> <stat name='spawnZ' val='-3644'/> change
  10. Try to update your Eclipse. Mabe you using older version, i think that new version shoud fix this creapy error.
  11. ok, then open eclipse.ini and try to change from -vmargs -Xms40m -Xmx256m to -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -vmargs -Xms40m -Xmx768m
  12. Ok, press second mouse button, on eclipse shorcut, then properties... and add these paramerts in Target > eclipse -clean -vmargs -Xmx256m For exmaple C:\Users\Karolis\Desktop\eclipse\eclipse.exe eclipse -clean -vmargs -Xmx256m
  13. Then you download with Tortoise SVN, open Eclipse add New Java Project (your downloaded svn).. Then you in left corner press on your project > and second mouse button on build.xml then Run As > 1 Ant Build
  14. What Chronicle pack you need? OMG, mabe write in google *pack name* *chroniocle* SVN and using TortoiseSVN, download.?
  15. kikboxer read, becore posting.
  16. Ohhhh, so now people can't drop from PK... Nice, really i don't know, because never have this problem.... Sh1t, I always agree with Itrepid, go to L2Jteon support, they created this shit, so they and fix..
  17. Oh, i know this bug, but i don't know then its work... Then this bug active you can't move, hit, use skill and etc.. You must press on your HP.Mp. EXP bar to resolve this... And drop you can fix, by fixing your self? Great idea, huh? Mabe you want to add drop... BTW i don't know really, but i don't think that vesper drop from raids ;p
  18. First of all read this before posting: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=103232.0 Chronicle author of pack(l2j,l2jfree,l2emu or whatever) You can this mention on first post... Ok, open all properties files pres ctrl + f and write "auto" or "learn" and find autolearn.
  19. It should work on interlude and epilogue, becouse there are no change... But if you use other pack, so change in __ini__.py file these lines: from net.sf.l2j
  20. Mabe need set in config True to autolearn skills, how you think? find in characters.properties autolearn skills and set true..
  21. DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id='20395'; DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id='20396';
  22. I think he don't want buff with time. he want something like this. + dex add wind walk + con add m atack. like buffs, i think so..
  23. Am... This script dosen't have npc, but latter I added. :) Thanks.
  24. I have same error... So what? I don't see any problem :D If you get correct build and create file, so whats problem?
  25. крута :D Nice one, i like it :D Specialy this font :/ i want to this font... but... Thank you again :)
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