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Everything posted by MrPro

  1. CONTACT: SKYPE: alexmanakos Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alex.alexman.1 Customers: MoraServices Kostis007 GM Pizdez Twitter Followers: 1,000 - 2€ ReTweets: 1,000 - 2€ Favorites: 3.000 - 10€ Facebook Fanpage Likes: 1,000 - 5€ Can be discussed depending on the order… Status Likes: 1,000 - 5€ Can be discussed depending on the order… Followers: 1,000 - 20€ 5,000 - 70€ 10,000 - 120€ YouTube Normal Views: 6,000 - 10€ 10,000 - 15€ 30,000 - 35€ 45,000 - 50€ High Retention Views (means that they watch 80%+ the video and increas the ranking of your video): 5,000 - 15€ Likes: 600 - 10€ 800 - 12€ Subscribers: 1,000 - 40€ Instagram Followers: 1,000 - 5€ Likes: 1,000 - 5€ Vine: Followers 2,500 -10€ Likes 2,500 -10€ Revines 2,500 -10€ Soundcloud Soundcloud Plays 10,000 - 10€ Soundloud Downloads 10,000 - 10€ CONTACT: SKYPE: alexmanakos Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alex.alexman.1
  2. i think you dont search well then :D i already know 2 very good servers which will open 10-12 october not sure
  3. the funny thing here is that,admin of l2mid has the time to reply on maxcheaters but not on his own forum where people are asking for help...wtf!
  4. btw in both photos his target is on smag and we can't see the text... who knows what was going on at this moment :D
  5. one week? you gave him too many days :D
  6. His features aren't so useful it says that it has mana and health bars, it automatically accepts the game,finding for you the game from a proper region , installing this file they may be able to take your account , so I would not recommend this program and this member has only 1 post which is rus :D
  7. could you please check your messages?
  8. Hello have fun in mxc :D
  9. Hello I have an account with the name tordek I can proof that it is mine ,my problem is that I can't remember my e-mail neither my password I had used a very old e-mail so I even can't remembered the password either there :D what can I do in such a situation ? Except kill myself :D
  10. I expected a much better project and a professional gm team ! But nop you just disappointed me!
  11. THERE IS LOL AND WOW SECTION BUT NO DOTA 2! OMFG!!! Hello if you are a new Dota player then I think that this mini guide with the Q&A it will help you a lot! 1) [Q] Is it a free moba game? [A] Yes,it is totally free what you will need is just the Steam and of course a Steam Account. 2) [Q] I am playing LoL for X years can I be a good Dota player? [A] No,you can't Dota is way harder than LoL,but with some practise of course you may become a good Dota player. 3) [Q] How should I learn fast Dota and with a good way? [A] Watching streamers on twitch,watching youtube videos from big clans like: NewBee,Navi,Fnatic,Team Dk,Vici Gaming,Alliance and much more.Of course playing in Dota 2 against bots at first,then online (with other players) against bots again,after this practise you can start public games and when you will feel youself "ready" you will start the rank games(which is able to join after 13lvl)! 4) [Q] How i can obtain the sets of Dota Heroes without purchasing money ? [A] First with just joinig everyday public or rank games,as much as you play Dota then your % to take some items is becoming bigger every time (you take items at the end of the game,doesn't matter if you lost or won!) and with bets from Dota matches ( here you can be rich if you know how to properly bet). 5) [Q] Bets? What is that and how does it work? [A] There are few Dota sites about betting there you can trade your items with other items but you have to know the price of each item (just look on steam marker of dota 2) to not lose all of your items.You bet your items on some teams and if your team on which you have bet has won then you will take all of your items back and "some" extra (depends on the value of the team exactly like the bets on football teams) some links: http://dota2lounge.com/, http://www.gosugamers.net/ , http://dota2wage.com/ and few more. 6) [Q] How should i start my Dota games? [A] If you did what i say in No 3,about your games i would recommend take each hero at least once you know the spells or read this one: http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Heroes. 7) [Q] there are some recommended items on each hero from Dota,should I take them? [A] 70% of items on each hero they are correct,of course they can't be 100% correct because it depends on your lane and how you will play this hero,I would recommend you to click on icon of an "opened book" on the right corner on the top when you are in game.There are lot's of guides which are telling the lane so choose properly and try to make your own style after all these guides because everything depends on how is your gameplay! 8) [Q] After following this guide i will finally become a pro Dota player? [A] of course not! It is something like a "welcome to Dota 2" ! All credits to me :D Have fun playing this awesome moba ask anything you want below!
  12. i will pay 5-10 euro (depends on how much i like it ) for a signature only if i like it of course you can post your works under the post with watermarkers to be sure that i will not steal them! so i want a signature 600x250 and in 450x120 theme: lineage 2,text:MrPro ,sub text: Once a Duelist always a Duelist! <~~~if you want you can without the "!" the problem is that i cant find any good render of a duelist so.. choose a good one.About style/colors i want something like this one : http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/290/d/3/bashin__by_voqus-d836zkl.jpg any effect is welcomed i mean like GIF..If you want you can add me skype: alexmanakos or fb : https://www.facebook.com/alex.alexman.1 some renders: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rT6l4DzaJIE/TUc0Hg2Dq8I/AAAAAAAAAZU/0gvijK89g1Y/s1600/lineage2a.png http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/028/f/c/lineage_2_render_human2_by_salamonchik-d387td5.png http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kxQ0Sqt6Klk/T_hyC2npEmI/AAAAAAAAAEg/69oIWpk4cIU/s1600/line02.png
  13. i tottally i agree with you guys! in forum i see about 10+ posts not posts by 3k people! if they cant afford a help to these 10/20 people then why the fuck do you open such a server?My problem is that there are weapons until b grade in shop BUT NO DUALS fuck my life i am the stupid one who has to craft them? -.-"
  14. yep guys prepare for some insane corrupt and 1 week on!
  15. i think no one from here is able to do such an exchange because it is not in euro
  16. p kolaei to l2 section me to intro? :D
  17. i joined the server tested everything,so i have to say that it has amazing features,the balanace is pretty good just need few fixes in general is a cool server
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