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Everything posted by Tijseh

  1. Thank you! Yeah I noticed the second one got a little weird with the light... Wanted to maak a cool light source didn't work out all to well. I'll try to do it beter within the next signature! ps, I s*ck with text in signature's...... pps, text in other things like logo's websites no problem but pls not in signature's QQ
  2. EDIT: It's time to get him banned for all the ripping that he does not only in this forum but in all the forums he's active it's going to far hes stealing great pieces of art work. I want to request you guys to look him up in other forums and post this. With kind regards, Tijseh Thank you for letting me find out who the real maker of the tag was: Abundant http://lordcraft.net/topic/2369-abundantarts-recent-work-signatures/ Also thank you for posting my work there saved me the trouble of copy pasting it:
  3. Some fooling around with C4D's trying to get the hang of it. Next one will be some smudge! If anyone has a cool render post it here also :D ps, They are made on Mac OSX so I have no clue about the color or the brightness on windows. Like to hear how they show there. Last Remnant: C4D Anime:
  4. I"ll join :D
  5. Pretty cool mate!
  6. Love to hear some intel about this server.....
  7. This one: http://wingsofthedragon.deviantart.com/art/Goku-GT-Render-314794729
  8. Haha shit I forgot :(
  9. I'm looking for an Auto Augment Plugin/script for L2tower anyone has one?
  10. Thanks! I'll check the difference in color and brightness once I'm on windows (OSX user).
  11. Info's Real Name : Tijs Age: 20 Skype: EnNumbers From: Groningen, The Netherlands
  12. Hey guys, I haven't made a signature in a long long long time mostly I work on websites and other graphics large pieces etc. and I was really bored so I made this wondering what u guys think of it! I have never ever made a Signature with C4D as a main feature so it's also a first haha. Color B&W
  13. Bahh i'm getting these errors 10:01:39 :[ERROR: L2.Net latest version check timed out. This can be caused by many things including: that gay porn you are seeding. 10:01:39 :[ERROR: crash: failed to create SlimDX Keyboard : Kan bestand of assembly SlimDX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b1b0c32fd1ffe4f9 of een van de afhankelijkheden hiervan niet laden. De manifestdefinitie van de gevonden assembly komt niet overeen met de assembly-verwijzing. (Uitzondering van HRESULT: 0x80131040)
  14. Overal I like it btw!
  15. I can't really tell you what I think if I look at it as a "signature" cause it's not. But I would definitely tell you to read some tutorials and work on your quality. Oye and don't stretch things cause it looks strange. Overal it's a good start! Tip: When you resize something Press: Shift it will scale in a good way but don't make it bigger then it originally was.
  16. Work on your text it's not really "logoish" and it's kind hard to read for some people. Tip: Always make a few (I recommend 3) concepts show em to your customer and ask what they want different.
  17. I want to suggest you to make Behance portfolio if you already haven't. See what ppl got to say there.
  18. Tijseh

    Εuw Account

    Thanks Mathew for selling :)
  19. After you're 80 you'll start doing WvW etc.
  20. Nahh Guild Wars is pretty organized it's just different from most mmo's if it's to gameplay.
  21. How to Craft Ascended Weapons In this guide we present to you how to go about crafting an Ascended weapon. In this example, we demonstrate how to construct a sword. First and foremost, you're going to need to be 500 in crafting disciplines in order to complete the construction. You can find our crafting guides across the navigation menu. Constructing an Ascended weapon works no differently to that of any other, you simply need 4 components: 1 inscription, 2 parts and a unique material. In most instances the recipes for Ascended weapons (and inscriptions) can be purchased from the appropriate vendor, though they will cost you around 3 gold and some laurels. Unlike traditional approaches to crafting, the refinement of materials to forge Ascended weapons is quite length and there are significant quantities of materials involved. To make things easier, we've summarized in a table below what each process requires in terms of raw materials, how to refine it and what it actually takes to refine it. I would like to thank @thevalliants for his amazing job over on the excellent Dragon Season, for being kind enough to let us use it (it really is a life saver!). Please be aware that some of the items needed will cost you skill points and karma (for the Obsidian Shards) so be sure to have banked enough. Source Raw Material Refined Material Cost To Refine/Create Ascended Materials Champion Loot Bags Pile of Bloodstone Dust Brick of Bloodstone Dust 100 Piles of Bloodstone Dust; 2 Obsidian Shards; 10 Catalysts Obsidian Shard Refinements Temples, Mega Bosses, Towers and Keeps Dragonite Ore Dragonite Ingot 100 Dragonite Ore; 2 Obsidian Shards; 10 Catalysts Dungeons, Mini-Dungeons, Jumping Puzzles, Towers and Keeps Empyrean Fragment Empryean Star 100 Empyrean Fragment; 2 Obsidian Shards; 10 Catalysts Exotic Item Salvaging Glob of Dark Matter Master Crafter Thermocatalytic Reagent (AKA - Catalyst) 14s 98c per 10 Ascended Quality Items Miyani Angur's Stone 20 Skill Points Craft Vision Crystal 5 Bloodstone Bricks; 5 Dragonite Ingots; 5 Empyrean Stars; 1 Angurs Stone Common Materials Foraging Elder Wood Log Glob of Elder Spirit Residue 50 Elder Wood Planks; 1 Glob of Ectoplasm; 10 Catalysts Ectoplasm Refinements Mining Mithril Ore Lump of Mithrilium 50 Mithril Ingots; 1 Glob of Ectoplasm; 10 Catalysts Foraging Soft, Hard and Seasoned Wood Log Spiritwood Plank 20 Soft Wood Planks; 20 Hard Wood Planks; 10 Seasoned Wood Planks; 1 Glob of Elder Spirit Residue Mining Iron and Platinum Ore Deldrimor Steel Ingot 20 Iron Ingots; 10 Steel Ingots; 20 Darksteel Ingots; 1 Lump of Mithrilium Refining Ectoplasms is limited to a 24 hour timer, allowing only 1 refinement per day, per account. Obsidian Refinements can be undertaken at any time but the refined materials are account bound and therefore cannot be sold or traded. Ascended Quality items are, similarly to the above are also account bound, however “Common Materials” can be traded. Crafting The WeaponSimply follow the corresponding colors in the image below. Please notethat you will need to salvage (for the Inscription) the appropriate exotic weapon, based on the attributes you want your weapon to have. In addition, there are minor variances to the recipes of each Ascended weapon with the image below only showing the process for the Angchu Blade. Image Version Text VersionAcquiring the recipes (Master Crafter NPC) Ascended inscription recipe: 21,000 karma Ascended weapon recipe: 5 Laurels & 3 Gold Ascended Mystical Item (Miyani) Angur’s Stone: 20 skill points Ascended Inscription craft 10 Globs of Dark Matter (Salvage Exotic Items) 1 Deldrimor Steel Plated Dowel 3 Deldrimor Steel Ingots 20 Iron Ingots 10 Steel Ingots 20 Darksteel Ingots 1 Lump of Mithrilium 50 Mithril Ingots 1 Glob of Ectoplasm 10 ‘catalysts’ 3 Spiritwood Planks 20 Soft Wood Planks 20 Hard Wood Planks 10 Seasoned Wood Planks 1 Glob of Elder Spirit Residue 50 Elder Wood Planks 1 Glob of Ectoplasm 10 Catalysts 1 Exotic Inscription 5 Orichalcum Plated Dowels 3 Orichalcum Ingots 2 Ancient Wood Planks 5 Globs of Ectoplasm 5 Tier 6 Materials (this depends entirely on the weapons statistics) 10 Piles of Crystaline Dust Craft Weapon Part 1 (Sword Hilt) 3 Deldrimor Steel Ingots 20 Iron Ingots 10 Steel Ingots 20 Darksteel Ingots 1 Lump of Mithrilium 50 Mithril Ingots 1 Glob of Ectoplasm 5 Piles of Crystaline Dust 50 Catalysts Craft Weapon Part 2 (Sword Blade) The same as crafting Weapon Part 1 Crafting the Vision Crystal 5 Dragonite Ingots 100 Dragonite Ores 2 Obsidian Shards 10 Catalysts 5 Empyrean Stars 100 Empyrean Fragments 2 Obsidian Shards 10 Catalysts 5 Bloodstone Bricks 100 Piles of Bloostone Dust 2 Obsidian Shards 10 Catalysts 1 Angur’s Stone
  22. Here is a very useful site to make your build and see stats before you test them! http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/
  23. Dungeon Survival Guide Dungeons represent some of the most challenging content available inGuild Wars 2. And while story mode tends to be much easier than the various explorable modes, you still won't want to enter the dungeons unprepared. To help make your first runs go smoothly, we've compiled a collection of tips and important things to be aware of. Kill order and Target Calling Most groups of enemies you’ll encounter in the dungeons will have a preferred kill order based on things like how much damage they can cause to your group, crowd control abilities, or whether they support their allies in some way. A good example here would be the Monks in Ascalonian Catacombs which should be considered high priority targets, followed by any Elementalists and Mesmers. Some of this will boil down to a bit of trial and error to figure out which mobs should be taken down first, but some of the general MMO rules about defeating casters first do tend to apply here. When it comes to prioritizing targets, before you even begin a dungeon run you’ll want to assign or decide who should call targets for your party. To call a target, once you have them personally targeted, press [Ctrl] + [T] and this will visibly flag that mob for your party members. From there, your teammates can press [T] to automatically assist on the same target. This not only makes it easier for all party members to know the exact kill order you’re aiming for, but by focusing fire on individual mobs most encounters will go much smoother. Proceed with Caution Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 have lots of traps and ways of triggering mob spawns. While it’s never a good idea to rush headlong into the unknown, that’s doubly true in GW2. The first story mode dungeon, Ascalonian Catacombs, has numerous examples of why that’s the case. In certain areas there are multiple flame or spike traps that can almost instantly defeat you if you’re not careful. It’s a good idea to scan the area prior to entering as you proceed to see if there are any objects that can be interacted with, or destroyed. In the case of the AC traps, most will have a mechanism to disable them, but you can also destroy them with ranged attacks if you’re careful about positioning. An easy way to spot interactive objects is to make liberal use of hitting your left Ctrl and Alt keys. Holding down Ctrol will make the nameplates for targetable objects appear, as well as the nameplates of any enemies in the vicinity. Speaking of enemies, you’ll also want to be careful that you don’t accidentally spawn too many mobs for your group to handle at once. Using Catacombs as our example again, be sure to watch for blue mist rising from the ground. Each patch can spawn veteran ghosts and if you’re not careful in some areas you may spawn multiple mobs at once. If you do end up in that situation, however, don’t panic. If need be you can always attempt to break the encounter and head back once the mobs have reset, then proceed to pull them normally. Dodge Often Most bosses in the dungeons will have one or more major attacks that you’ll want to avoid at all costs. For example, some bosses use an attack that pulls players towards them, and while knocked down you’ll suffer from a pretty major AoE damage spike. Watching for these larger attacks can be critical to your survival, and a well-timed dodge may mean the difference between taking a dirt nap, and collecting some shiny loot from chests. While much of the explorable PvE content may not necessitate actively dodging regularly during combat, it’s a skill you’ll really want to sharpen before stepping into the dungeons. Use Line of Sight to Your Advantage Along with actively dodging to avoid larger attacks, before you even begin any boss encounters take note of your surroundings. Many spaces will have multiple ways for you to break line of sight (LoS) which can be just as effective as knowing when to dodge to avoid larger attacks. While not all professions and roles will be able to hang back out of melee range to take advantage of breaking LoS, those that can should consider doing so as much as possible. Don’t Neglect Your Underwater Build While you won’t necessarily encounter underwater areas in every dungeon, certain dungeons will contain one or more paths that may require you to bust out your aquatic gear and go for a swim. If you haven’t done a lot of underwater content in the explorable maps, it can be easy to forget to keep your aquatic build up to snuff, and realizing you’ve neglected it in the middle of a dungeon isn’t exactly optimal. Factor Team Support into Your Build By the time you can enter the first dungeon – Ascalonian Catacombs – at level 30, all professions will have enough trait and skill points to factor in different forms of team support into your overall build. For dungeons, area heals or even condition removal via combo fields can be a huge help, but you’ll also want to find ways of making revives much easier. Before entering a dungeon, take a few minutes to review your current build and swap out any utility skills that offer solid group support, adjust your major traits, and think about which weapon sets will function best in a group setting. As a general rule, even for more melee focused professions it can still be a good idea to consider bringing a mid- or long-range weapon set which can keep you a lot more mobile during more difficult encounters. Monitor Boons and Conditions, and React Accordingly At the start of any given boss fight, the first thing you’ll want to take note of are any specific boons they might have active. For example, many will have a stacking boon that negates the effectiveness of any crowd control skills used against them, but those stacks can be reduced by applying things like cripples and chills. If you don’t negate the boon early in the fight, it can continue stacking making the encounter much more difficult than it needs to be. Another thing to watch out for is Retaliation. Whenever you see it active, be sure to stop attacking until it’s removed, or the duration expires. If you continue attacking while it’s active, you’ll effectively be doing part of the mob’s work for them by burning through your own health. While not all bosses will use Retaliation, it can be a good idea to bring along a profession that can remove boons - such as a necromancer - either way.
  24. Elementalist Build Guide: Support/Staff In this guide we present to you an elementalist build focused entirely on supporting others around you. This build deals little to no damage, but it has considerable survivability and is capable of healing your team mates for large amounts. It does rely heavily on being in Water attunement but will be well supported by team mates in sPvP and WvW. Please Note: This build transfers directly to PvE you simply need to buy Cleric items. Positives Negatives + Capable of healing for large amounts - You can deal barely any damage + Has excellent survivability - Relies heavily on Water attunement + Excels at supporting a team through Water attunement - Relies heavily on Cantrips and having all your cooldowns available + Brilliant mobility through its Cantrips and Air attunement - Is vulnerable to spike damage + Plenty of stun removals and defensive Cantrips (use wisely!) - Requires a solid team to truely excel in TPvP + Works really well in PvE and WvW Please Note: If you find yourself dying too often to conditions, user Ether Renewal Please Note: If you want to lower the cooldown on your Water spells, simply swap out Soothing Disruption for Aquamancer's Alacrity. This build was primarily designed for my guilds elementalists. In large group encounters and with a "back line", support elementalists in Water attunement can make a massive difference to a group. With 2 area of effect water fields that heal for considerable amounts, that can also be blasted, they are excellent for group play. While there primary damage might be limited, the entire purpose is to support others through vulnerability, chill and cripple (when swapping to other attunments). The fact that the majority of staff skills are area of effect really lend itself to structured PvP as players (and groups of players) clump together on capture points. It allows you to quickly spread your water skills while stepping back into Fire and Earth attunements from afar. It must be said that this build really does rely on others to be truly effective as you will struggle to kill anyone by yourself though with the right use of Cantrips and skills, you'll also struggle to die. In terms of "Gameplay & Skill Rotation", due to the team orientated play of this build, it's difficult to display how to utilise it. Primarily, you want to ensure that your Water skills are used at the optimum moment (before your parties health is too low) and to ensure that know your knockback in Air attunement is used sparingly while your immobilize in Earth attunement is saved for when your party wishes to spike individuals. It's paramount that you don't blindly waste your healing skills when in Water attunement as they do heal for a considerable amount while you should also ensure that when you use your primary heal, you are in Water attunement when you do it. This will then grant you a considerable length of regeneration. Finally, try to utilise your elite skill also in Water attunement as the Elemental from the glyph will provide you and your team with healing when it attacks.
  25. 80 is max atm. Full map completion etc. won't give u any higher level it'll give you rewards.
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