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Everything posted by Tijseh

  1. nice work good depth but only the light should be a bit different and the shadows but overal good job!
  2. Nice start! but work on depth(shadows) and also try mixing some colors and not let the gradient be on 100% maybe do an overlay instead and put it on around 20/50% it will give a total different look! and for the text just leave it out sometimes i think it's better to have no text at all with this one.
  3. Dig it! Yeah really do but u should try some realistic stuff before heading to anime to learn the human body etc. should really help u also watching some documentaries should help you just to get the thing around a bit better!
  4. The first one was the best work on blending and some cool effects and u'll be going the good way
  5. Woah! I'm really digging this u should share em :O
  6. Good going but u really have to work on your blending and text
  7. Wowo haha 40 post gotta get active here :O really need to see this!
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