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Everything posted by Stereotype

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forums/index.php?/user/122571-stereotype/
  2. Yes its the default picture for non-avatars. P.S: You can report some real problems :wacko:
  3. Nop they were fixed, and it will apply only from now on... not to old gif avatars.
  4. Eu zic ca aia la 200 de euro era buna pentru tine :happyforever:
  5. We know mate, it will be fixed when we will create the proper profile customization on the Networks.
  6. For people who's having problems with log-in via Username. Try to use from now the E-Mail.
  7. It's almost the same just some intern changes. You so newbie go sleep... :ph34r:
  8. For my eyes it's ok. 1. You need to rest. 2. You need glasses. Youtube: [media]LINK[/media]
  9. Youtubers: LINK - the auto Embed is disabled.
  10. Thanks for your apreciation mate.
  11. If you can try in english maybe we could help u more...
  12. Profile on posts changed also... :P to a shaped one
  13. Still you wanna reach me?

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