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Everything posted by Stereotype

  1. Why turn all time to the old theme? New things bro... Already we have the same colors.
  2. I am working on them you will see when they are ready, and i dont have to show u anything.
  3. GFX Designer looking for a coder to start a serious business. Reply on this topic or send me a pm.
  4. Curently ones are just to be... We need something simple and good... And for good sake stop ripping. http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?143496-Release-Free-Forum-Ranks-PSD
  5. O fut pe mata ca un mother fucker !

  6. Sunt un călător vechi, trebuie sa merg pan' la capăt. Am nevoie de-un „Totu’ va fi bine!” ca de aer si apă...

  7. Am nevoie de-un „Totu’ va fi bine!” ca de aer si apă...

  8. E tanar inca... mai are pana sa isi formeze o gandire mai ampla...
  9. Am ascultat melodia din care scrii versurile... Tot tu ai postat.
  10. :d A inceput sa ma cam calce p nervi matthew ala.
  11. I guess this is a GF :happyforever:
  12. You quote me i answer u. I post here cause some of the stuffs are up to me to fix. This atitude not good bro for you... I think ive already told u once.
  13. This is not rly my business... up to Maxtor.
  14. Tags 100% Done - Maxtor need's to add them. Trade Feedback system 100% Done - Maxtor need's to add it. ----------- Waiting for more...
  15. Just kidding with you ofc Awards will come back. Just a little patience is all we ask ;)
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