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Everything posted by Stereotype

  1. http://vinescope.com/when-moms-do-this-640.html Inca rad,,, nu mai pot :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: CRISCEAN ! :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  2. alexkiss mergea cu alb ca si tricoul lui.
  3. Stereotype


    Haha xD Serios nu am inteles ce a vrut sa insemne acea scriptura :D
  4. Stereotype


    Crystalin e dat disparut
  5. trance and his mother xD http://vinescope.com/when-moms-do-this-640.html
  6. You have special prefixes use them please.
  7. 1. Era in tricou si bluejeans gen pana in gat (nu inteleg treaba asta) 2. Este hanoracul unui prieten. 3. O cunosc p fata e chiar ok :)
  8. U dont understand my point. Simple and nice... that's good this is simple and definitly not nice. Anyway this is my point. Please dont discusse about this and rate the poster's work. GL.
  9. ON: Nice share wyatt ! Something that will change a little the boring face of lineage. OFF: Girls making L2 Servers nodays :troll:
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