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Everything posted by Stereotype

  1. Some of us dont need to pay :)
  2. http://www.l2inc.eu/ D I S I S D A S I T E :troll:
  3. Pai logic tu nu esti dezgustat/a :D ... \\ nu cumva erai tu aia d p mess :D:D ? ... si totul ramane un mister ...
  4. After many fails with previous servers "names" they decided to open same server, same economy, same zones etc. thinking that people will see this as different server :D. Bah... Anyways gl with ur "new" project xD
  5. Exista astfel de persoane? :you serious?: Sunt dezgustat de mintea lor...
  6. This topic make my day :D ... well Night atm :troll:
  7. +1 --------------------------- In rest its quite good but still need more :)
  8. Nothing special but decent server.
  9. Its just a chaos of colors :D... idk but im the adept of simple things.
  10. If im not wrong i found this on google xD
  11. +1 for that and tuts not so bad if u watch only some of Observer's which are in the Tutorials area. You will learn some more and with time you will release some of your little PS skillz xD
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