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Everything posted by disanpro

  1. I have 2 issues with this infertace , first the systemmsg It's looked it in the middle of my screen , well a little be to the top side and second the nevit blissing windows is so big and large :S ,
  2. guys for use this interface on any server you must download this : http://rgho.st/8nP7n7zPl , this interface.u file is available to use in any server ., I m not the owner of this file I mean I didn't do it I'm just sharing this to the ppl :)
  3. If u want i can sell you all the things for 30Euros
  4. Look my post http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/191799-duelist-l2tales-fulldonation-items/?do=findComment&comment=2474072 pd: if u want some items just contact me
  5. Items/ Vesper heavy set Foundation +8+8+8/+6/+6 / full Element Vesper DualSword+8/Reflect Active/Periel Dual+6/without Aug / full Element B Weapons for Olys/Clarity/pvpPatk/etc... Olf S t Shirt+10 Talisman All Stats Top Belt S grade pvp Skill Atacck Frintezza Cloack/Jewel Blessed Freya/ 41K Of Fame 2000 pvp already skills +30/27/29 but mains skills like damage+30 I only accept payments by paypal contactme /hotmail disan_syd@hotmail.com/ skype disan_syd /// i leave the server because one friend of my cp leave too so... i m not gonna play anymore :D
  6. Items/ Vesper heavy set Foundation +8+8+8/+6/+6 / full Element Vesper DualSword+8/Reflect Active/Periel Dual+6/without Aug / full Element B Weapons for Olys/Clarity/pvpPatk/etc... Olf S t Shirt+10 Talisman All Stats Top Belt S grade pvp Skill Atacck Frintezza Cloack/Jewel Blessed Freya/ 41K Of Fame 2000 pvp already skills +30/27/29 but mains skills like damage+30 I only accept payments by paypal contactme /hotmail disan_syd@hotmail.com/ skype disan_syd /// i leave the server because one friend of my cp leave too so... i m not gonna play anymore :D
  7. fixed long time ago old ScreenShot :P updated btw :D
  8. heheheh that is the main theme :3 futuristic
  9. nope just h5 i think but if u want for interlude i can give u this one http://rghost.net/7wMPJ44tq.view download link http://rghost.net/6MrpVdYbj
  10. http://rghost.net/8yPfSHh6Z.viewpreview download link http://rghost.net/7ycfNQLzd H5///// Patch for interlude like Kamael / http://rghost.net/6MrpVdYbj New update Inventory Fixed * Added Blue Chain Heal/Animations for Talismans/Skills/ Icons of Talismans and Augments Sysmsg/Zoom Infinite / for the 2 sides Pvp Window on the screen :D 2nd Edit Interface 1 preview :http://rghost.net/7M2jdrVy5.view / http://rghost.net/6nFFqMhSQ Interface 2 preview :http://rghost.net/8Vq9lqP6B.view/ http://rghost.net/7c9FpZxJN
  11. yes i did that because i was newbie with the programs :D at the moment i still dont know a lot of interface editor but i try to do my best with my first project :D btw your wings are amazing dude if you can add on skype and teach me some things xD i was trying to create a personalized box for the target but i wasn´t found the right way to put the texture in the interface.xdat editor because I try different ways but i didn`t made it only fails (like cutted texture or half texture and the other half doesnt appear D: well etc ..
  12. One of the best server that i played It´s going to be awesome guys What are you waiting for to be part of this experience? http://lineage2tales.com;)
  13. sorry dude :c Disan Jarib :P btw i know the id of my account right now LOL is disan_syd i edite the topic :P
  14. yes but only the windows not the texture of the interface created it by me :p sir a lot of archives to modify with photoshop and tools :D if u want one create by your own btw i'm not thinking to be millionaire with this patch is cheap :D
  15. wts my patch for l2 contact me on hotmail (disan_syd@hotmail.com) or skype at disan_syd . i accep paypal payments only
  16. you found how to edit the macro icons ? i m looking for how to do that please if you can help me :D I would be grateful
  17. how can edit the L2UI.utx i try to do with the UTTP and export as a TGA the archive of Macros but i dont know how to import into the L2UI.utx thx in advance
  18. I need some help please i want to edit the Macro Icons like change the colour of macros but wich archive i must edit? L2UI.utx and extrac as TGA the archive of macro1 with UTPT but what is next step to import the TGA edited in to the L2UI.utx file?? how can i do that ??
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