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Everything posted by MaxRazvan

  1. it's a very nice buffer but wh don't work :).....in rest is ok
  2. on router make a ip static but that depends on what router u use ....google your router for info and configurate or type on a black page (web) and log on your router and read the help there and configurate
  3. reconfigurate your ip and ipconfig go and see the lan ip and the external ip ....for external http://whatismyip.com and for lan go see your details from localarena connection in control panel :D
  4. open " 555_NPCBUFFER\__init__.py " with notpad and see what u have in line 4 and change or delete and see if it works
  5. i try to find too but no use.....try to make them yourself with other files from a sv that has that events
  6. why only gm can acces the npc's ? i try it to find to change but mabey i jump a few paragrafs :D and still not find :( i must mencion that i must reconfigure the .sql files because my db didn't know the tabel from .sql
  7. i try to install it....i configurate the game server and logis aswell but when i lunch the sv or login error and say someting that i don't have jvm.dll and i put the .dll and after say cant reach the java virtual machine ...wtf ..... to lazy to fix it .....if some one know how to fix it very fast tell (or i will wait for l2j dev aswell :P ) btw the for the files....and make a good job in the future
  8. rehost please......thanks :) LE: i found it http://www.4shared.com/archive/gvGCKJP4/L2accountZS20ReleaseCandidate0.html enjoy
  9. i was looking for someting like this :D.....thx
  10. thx.....i will test your project and write if i find some problems ...... good luck from now on ^^
  11. win 7 more better then win 8 imo .......maybe win 8 more faster but the menu is simple but in same time hard to use :)).....or u can install on pc win 8 and navigate from a pad :))
  12. be carefule because if u send that folder to someone else he can get your password or change it..... after u create the bat file if u right mouse and chose edit you will can edit the bat file ......if u want to be more secure convert from .bat to .exe :) hope to be usefull :P
  13. hi .....can u reupload "lekino" i can't download from old link's
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