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Everything posted by Emo*

  1. I'm not sure but isn't he admin of mythras?
  2. People call them as hero cloaks, image show what I am looking for. Thanks :)
  3. Hello, is there any share of hero cloaks for high five? Like Cloak of Darkness, Cloak of Light. On some servers they are called Cloak of Baium, Cloak of Valakas.
  4. Hello, I am trusted seller for Lineage 2 stuff with 3 years experience of RMT. Now I am more than happy to provide best RMT service not just for Lineage 2 but also Classic WOW. ALL PRICES ON PM Note: If you buy higher amount price is discounted, if you find somewhere cheaper we make better price for you! skype: pacan4iks999 discord: Deniss C.#3157 Skype might not send message/invitation instanly, if I am not responding, please try to call.
  5. For some reason verification email is not going to my email, huh
  6. I asked for that, but because of my inattention though he sent as friends and family. Have a good lesson, do not make deals while driving car.
  7. I do not have that, I wrote this post so sellers evade this skype, email. And maybe give some tips how to not lose in situation like this. I understand that probably I have already lost when I didnt refund money myself after he made payment for goods and services, but still.
  8. So yesterday I got skype message from some guy, he was about to buy adena on gamecoast.net for 100 euro. After some conversation he asked for my paypal, made 2 payments for 50 euro. In like 10 minutes I sent him 2 mail (200 +280) 480kk total, as we made deal for this amount. Now I wake up and this peace of poop has made refund issue, like he didn't receive an items. https://ibb.co/mYZTvp https://ibb.co/cef1Fp Scammer skype: olga.suropoulou
  9. On picture 31.08.2018
  10. Looking for known/trusted l2j dev for high five mid rate
  11. Hello, contact me on skype: pacan4iks999
  12. Hello, I bought Bless Online founder pack worth 70 euro with 2 months premium, want to resell it for 20,00, account also has rust. 40 lvl archer on Bless eu server. Contact here or skype: pacan4iks999
  13. WTB Adena l2lionna.com / gamecoast.net and many other private servers Lineage 2, fair prices. Looking for suppliers to upcoming servers. skype: pacan4iks999 discord: Deniss C.#3157 Skype might not send message/invitation instanly, if I am not responding, please try to call.
  14. Trusted! Recommend this seller.
  15. Looks like a job for me
  16. This is screenshot from l2eclipse, random bots all over the map, every spot was looking like this, like 400 bots total and im sure its not limit :D https://ibb.co/k7R9GJ
  17. Do you need 2k visitors to make server 2k people? :D
  18. Thank you for share, however I have not managed to make it work, when I launch script it doesn't take random chars to send message, i get in game text ( When the recipient doesn't exist or the character has been deleted, sending mail is not possible.)
  19. Hey, I'm looking for something that is going to make auto mails or pms in game with any text I want.
  20. Great date choice.
  21. Thats why you dont buy adena from people that has no feedback, or feedback from fresh accs at same day. :)
  22. Ogo, Latvieši international līmenī serveri pat rauj, lepns. :D
  23. Sell Phantom Ranger LVL 55, have emic + Pl light set with C jews Acc also has 400 tods Price talkable PM skype : pacan4iks999
  24. WTS L-Coin on l2mars.com 10k L-Coin = 2,5eur Note: If you buy higher amount price is discounted, if you find somewhere cheaper we make better price for you! skype: pacan4iks999 Skype might not send message/invitation instanly, if I am not responding, please try to call.
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