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About kayllan

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  1. up, 3 copies sold, I'm going to sell the last copy!
  2. Which H5 emulator are you using?
  3. yes sunrise
  4. I'm selling my project, it has several pvp mods and has already been opened 3 times with an average of 500 plays, selling the rev and sourcer or both separately modificações rev + patche full custom 70 euros rev + patche full + fonte 150 euros source 100 euros whatssap 55 91993667304 or inbox Discord AxelFolley#3293
  5. where is the proof?
  6. yes clean client =/
  7. I can't open any system someone help me pliss in several systems this error appears
  8. Could you provide a geodata?
  9. put the author's credit >>> OMGzOMG
  10. new geodata? full of mistakes, don't tell lies !!
  11. great and reliable developer, not to mention the support you give your customers, good luck with your sales!
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