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Angel Of Death

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Everything posted by Angel Of Death

  1. Micheal Jackson is the worst racist of black people, to ever set foot on earth, he couldn't even stand himself 'cause he was black... Talented & Stupid, like most of 'em...
  2. Doesn't seem like my real speed (which is 20 Mbps), but that's what SpeedTest says...
  3. Ma kala oles etc den kanoyn kariera ?
  4. Yes Man (Comedy) Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Comedy) Kung-Fu Panda (Comedy/Cartoon) Seven Pounds (Drama) Twilight (Action/Vampire - Book) The UnBorn (Thriller) Mirrors (Thriller)
  5. Find another game i guess ...
  6. Avira Premium
  7. Raven: Klasi II Classic: 134 Mensa: 25
  8. Windows Vista, Just 'cause of CPU Multithread & DX 10.1 ...
  9. The CD is missing critical windows files, ans it tries to load them from another drive (in this case Drive A:\) So find a normal/working version of windows to install, those custom ones, are almost always faulty...
  10. You are mozzarella! You are a shiny, soft, round cheese. You are very imaginative and creative, but you don't like to stand out. You don't mind solitude at times and you love to do art.
  11. Combo 1: AntiVirus + AntiSpyware: Avira Internet Security (W/O FW) FireWall: Comodo Internet Security (W/O AV) Combo 2: AntiVirus + AntiSpyware + FireWall: Kaspersky Internet Security P.S.: NOD32 isn't good enough anymore & PANDA uses too many resources...
  12. Kalo, kairos na xrisimopoioyme swstes ekfraseis... MARROWS DRUMS. ! :P
  13. He means how do you make the signature move like flash/gif ....
  14. Inno Setup ...
  15. Bellucci > Jolie > Anderson > Hilton ...
  16. First Of All shutdown your pc, unplug the power cable and wait for about 1 min, plug it in and try restarting... If this doesn't work, try reseting yout bios by either removing the config Battery or the config Jumper... If none of these work, you should probably try removing one of the memories... Finally, if nothing works out, take it to a technician...
  17. Ta Linksys einai apo ta kalytera stin agora proionta gia diktya, gt einai 8ygatriki tis Cisco, opote kalytera to Linksys ...
  18. Koita egw ayton ton skliro exw kai de ton allazo gia kanenan 7200 rpm... Apla exw kai enan 7200rpm 500 GB gia arxeia poy den trexw ka8imerina, tainies kai tetoia. To OS omws poy einai panw se ayton trexei teleia... Twra gia to MOBO de 8a elega oti einai kai to kalytero, gt enas gnwstos moy poy doyleyei se magazi ilektronikwn, moy exei pei pws oi perissoteres P5xxx einai problimatikes kai gyrizoyn gia RMA, opoiodipote allo modelo tis ASUS einai poly kalo, alla oi P5xxx ka8oloy...
  19. It will probably suck as dragonball, but as a general sci-fi movie it should be good...
  20. To pws to energopoieis einai mesa sto link "More Info" kai an eixes 64 bit 8a sto egrafe sta properties toy "My Computer"...
  21. Loipon, exeis XP 32-bit? Ta XP kai genika ta 32-bit systems, den anagnwrizoyn panw apo 3-4 GiB RAM, syni8ws lene 3,25 i 3,5. Gia na kaneis ta XP na anagnwrizoyn to synolo twn 6 GiB prepei na energopoiiseis to PAE (Physical Address Extension), alla kai pali afoy logika ta windows poy exeis den einai Server Edition, to praktiko Orio antistoixiseis tis RAM sta programmata 8a einai kai pali 4 GiB, alla toylaxiston 8a anagnwrizontai ta 6 apo to systima More Info (M$oft)... DDR3 > DDR2 > DDR oson afora tin taxytita, gt syxronizontai se megalyteres syxnotites kai entexoyn perissotera Volts...
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