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Angel Of Death

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Everything posted by Angel Of Death

  1. I've got Both ATI & NVIDIA and i can say that ATI cards perform faster in games compared to their price, so if you want something cheap & good, ATI is the one for you...
  2. It's actually Pre-Beta... Still waiting, it is said to be released on Q3 2009.
  3. Paris Hilton :D Just kidding... Obama seems to be more reliable & trustworthy, but that's just what he seems to be, not what he is...
  4. Well, try to boot to bios pressing delete (for desktop pc) and choose load setup defaults afterwards choose save & exit (F10 for ASUS Mobo)... See if it works... If it doesn't, you will have to open up the tower and find a jumper cap near the bottom-right of the mobo, take it out for 5 mins, then put it back in and power up the pc (this method totally resets the settings of the mobo), if you have the manual of your mobo, you could go to chapter Jumper -> Clear RTC RAM (CLRTC) it should explain the 2nd method much more detailed and probably with pictures...
  5. Ama to megalo fan poy ebgales itan toy CPU logiko einai na ekane restart, mporei na kaei kai to CPU, gt me to poy ftasei 60 C kanei auto-restart gia na min kaei... Dokimase bebaia kai na kaneis setup defaults sto BIOS opws eipe o J0keR, paizei na ftaiei kai ayto....
  6. Koita egw gia na ellen3w ti ftaiei anoi3a to koyti enw etrexe to pc kai aposyndesa ena anemistiraki kai eida oti den einai ayto, meta to 3anasyndesa kai to ekana ayto gia ola ta fan (ektws toy CPU enoeitai) mexri poy eftasa stin GPU kai stamatise o ixos, an bebaia den exeis sxesi genikotera me to esoteriko toy Tower kalytera na to pas se texniko kai aytos 8a brei pio fan ftaiei...
  7. Ayto gia tin ON ypirxe alla apo tote poy to peire xampari to exei alla3ei, apo persy dld... Forthnet einai arketa kali kai xwris dcs.... OTE (exw) einai kaloytsiko, alla ta router toys OLA einai gia petama, kanoyn mona toys rr kai dc kai xwris na ftaiei i syndesi... Kai giayto ekana etisi kai twra perimenw Forthnet... Episeis i forthnet einai i moni poy exei perasei optikes ines gia 54 mbps, alla epidei einai arxi akoma, mono ta net exoyn 54...
  8. Oso pio mikro einai to anemistiraki toso pio polles strofes kai perissoteros 8orybos kai apo proswpiki empeiria... Kai emena etc itan i karta grafikwn kai pira ena zalman kai isyxasa...
  9. Logika o eidikos 8a 3erei na balei tin pasta, alliws de 8a einai "eidikos" :P Anyway, syni8ws ayto ginetai sto anemistiraki tis kartas grafikwn ki oxi toy epe3ergasti, koita ta kai ta 2 na eisai sigoyros...
  10. I have one myself, i was just curious...
  11. He bought all of them, or took 'em from some prog ?
  12. LOL, may we know what would actually attract you to a specific e-mail ? And of course i have to ask :P why would you ever give an account which you probably paid for... ?
  13. 1) Did you install the cooler yourself ? 2) Use this... and let us know what Temp it says on both cores when system is Idle...
  14. Emena pali moy fanike psilo-moyfa...
  15. C3 - CT1 (low rate: only e-Global, High Rate: many), got bored and stopped almost half a year ago...
  16. 115
  17. (AMD + ATi) Nvidia's Drivers cause a lot of crashes, especially the ones for the MotherBoard Chips...
  18. I don't know about the rest... But the SLS looks pretty good... keep it up...
  19. Check & Fix your image redirects, 'cause they don't exist... so we can't see how it's really like... Although it sounds fun...
  20. L2 might be just a game, and just because you can do whatever you want in a game... this shows who you truly are and what you are capable of... 'cause when you have such "power" to do whatever you want, your true character is revealed.. the "game" as you call it can become reality pretty easy and then... things like this happen...
  21. I've talked to CR about it, and he said he is waiting for a new version of Asm/DisAsm to update it...
  22. Not mine, CrazyRabbit's, but this guy got it, translated and posted it as his work...LAME...
  23. I know, but i don't want too many leechers to have it, just many ... :P
  24. Egw pali proteinw ATI, 3870 X2 an thes na xalaseis polla lefta (344,51 €), Sapphire 3870 Toxic an thes na pareis mia kali kai me ligotera lefta (167.89 €) NOTE: eksartatai bebaia kai apo to pc soy...tha mporoyses na anafereis M/B & CPU...
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