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Everything posted by Versus

  1. Checked - this is definetely a keylogger. Junked the 'bot' - locked this one :)
  2. To pickup faster, simply open phx, login, pickup an item and sniff Action packet. Then add it to send. BoOm you are picking items SUPER fast :D
  3. I remember the old days, we were playing on c2 and when a new client came out we were so excited.. Official owned back then, seriously. C3 and C4 were the best times ever! C5 came out, with not so many differences but still cool and then Interlude. Everything was cool, we were still playing and then suddendly KAMAEL was released. Worst chronicle in the entire Lineage II history. I hated it and all my friends did as well. L2 is never going to be like it was, old memories ftw! And yet again, no old lineage II player would prefer -beep-ing freya / epilogue WHATEVER over c4 or interlude! Just the newbies who know shit about what Lineage II is! In case you didn't get it, i vote for Interlude :) PS: Some l2j devs come and call interlude shitlude, that's crap. They only do that because interlude source is really outdated, bad coded and bugfull. No other reason!
  4. ftw.. it's just so pro and best support team ever
  5. Δεν είναι script, είναι πρόγραμμα. http://www.msgdiscovery.com/
  6. Τι ποσό μπορείς να διαθέσεις?
  7. Actually the insane damage (only on Interlude ofc) are because of messed up Formula. This is an ok way to fix them, but should be temp. The best way is to fix the Formula.
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174939.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=174658.0 off-topics probably?
  9. No, for WoW there's no such hack as far as i remember. There was a cooldown hack for warcraft but it has been fixed at the latest versions.
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13767.0 locked
  11. R.I.P σημαίνει Rest In Peace. Είσαι σίγουρος ότι γι'αυτό ενδιαφέρεσαι?:P
  12. Bwin, η κορυφαία εταιρία στοιχημάτων. Επίσης καλή είναι και η bet365. Με τίποτα όμως μη πας στην Interwetten, οι τύποι δεν την παλεύουν.
  13. Η διαφορά είναι ότι το LoL είναι newbie friendly ενώ η dota δεν είναι. Γι'αυτό προσελκύει τους νέους παίχτες που δεν έχουν εμπειρία σε αυτά τα games. Πχ ένας παλιός dota player δεν θα έφευγε για ένα υποκατάστατο της dota. Απλά πράγματα.
  14. I just noticed i can't edit your posts in this section, lol. It wasn't like that.
  15. Send me a pm about how you want your post to be like. Thanks for the mh, could you give me the official site? I wanna check it out :) PS: Are you sure about the credits? I don't think GarenaMaster is the author.. His name was like, GarenaHacker?
  16. Αυτό λέει πολλά! Όυτε ένα μήνα και έχεις περίπου 400 posts? locked
  17. Stop suggesting such things to people, it's against the Terms & Conditions of ALL these companies and there's a high chance to lose money.
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