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Everything posted by Blane

  1. As I said, they're not able to solve your problem. Anyway glad to hear your words, :) -Blane
  2. Το ότι έγινε στα pms δεν ενδιαφέρουν το forum/mods αλλά karma απαγορεύται να μειώνετε για ΠΜ. What happens in pms, stay in pms.But karma points has nothing to do with private fights. Karma restored, topic locked.I'll talk with NiOSe & the other guy. Re-locked. -Blane
  3. Banned avatar should be serious imo.Mario and all others might be funny and clever but, dunno, I think we should be serious about bans. That was just my opinion and it has nothing to do with the latest applicants. Regards, -Blane
  4. Here's the right section.Don't make a topic again, if you don't know where to post it. -Blane
  5. Junk this & this. (Users banned) PS: Lol, wrong topic I know, but junk them :P
  6. Είναι ελεινό, μόνο και μόνο που έγινε τοπικ.Imo δεν είναι ούτε τα αιτήματα, ούτε το αραλίκι, είναι απλά που ερχόσαστε από διακοπές και λέτε, "Πέρασε ένας μήνας, βαρέθηκα, δεν το κλείνουμε μωρέ....".Σοβαρευτείτε... -Blane
  7. You can't what?Be more specific. -Blane
  8. Do you really think that someone is capable to spend time to make this script?The best decision for you is to learn how to write this script, cause it's not difficult as I know.Also, believe me, this is the only forum which has activity and can provide help.It's the issue you ask for, that's not much easy to be completed. Greetings, -Blane
  9. Το Spamming δεν επιβραβεύεται σε αυτό το forum.Διάβασε τα rules. -Blane
  10. Even if he's banned, discussions are being continued.I don't see the problem.Anyway re-locked. -Blane
  11. Fighter imo.MP is a problem nowadays. -Blane
  12. Bad lighting.But generally it's good :) -Blane
  13. 2 Περιπτώσεις. 1 . Ατελείωτο Photoshop. 2 . SpeedNet Logic. (όχι 8, 87 δεν γα*ιεται) -Blane
  14. Sorry but only this can be considered as a serius "GAMEPLAY" :) Cheers, -Blane
  15. L2Off είναι εγγύηση.Έχεις όμως τα κότσια να τον ανοίξεις; (συμπεριλαμβανομένων όλων των προλαλισάντων) -Blane
  16. I don't really think, there's an official Gracia Final serverpack.But you can find IL & HB easy.Gracia Part 2 is a bit unstable as of my point of view. -Blane
  17. Can we have the website of the server, or it's down? ^^ -Blane
  18. Μπορείς να δοκιμάσεις το L2.net ή απλά κοίτα εδώ.Παρακαλώ όμως, έχει μαλλιάσει η γλώσσα μου, κάντε ένα search και θα τα βρείτε όλα. -Blane
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