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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Δεν υπάρχει λογική, κάνω ποστ για να γλιτώσω το search.Δεν μπορεί να γεμίζει με τέτοια ποστς όλο το forum.Γι' αυτό το λόγω υπάρχει εξάλλου το search.Μην ξανακάνεις κάτι παρόμοιο.(Warning!) Issue solved = Topic locked. -Blane
  2. I guess: - Going to areas which are not much populated. - Have a short look at your computer time-by-time. - Setting up your bot at a good state, meaning not to look like an automated engine. I generally think, boting is not safe in any way.It may work, but if a GM wants to catch you, he will at the end. -Blane
  3. Please search the proper sections before you post.Topic locked. -Blane
  4. Please fix your english, we can't understand. -Blane
  5. Probably being in the air.That's what I understand. -Blane
  6. Μην σπαμάρεις.1st warning. Moved to offtopic καθότι άκυρο με L2. -Blane
  7. Done... EDIT: Please move this & this to the General.
  8. I think it's fixed now.Thanks! Topic locked.
  9. Start - > All Programs - > Accessories - > System Tools - > Character Map If you hold your mouse upon a symbol you can see the shortcut. -Blane
  10. It's the first time in my life facing problems with an OS.You remember Windows 7 failure.Well now I have my XP installed.Today Genuine prompt up saying that this is not a valid copy of windows etc...If anyone is capable of solving my issue, I'll be graceful. IN PM PLEASE! :) Thanks in advance, -Blane PS: OS: Windows XP Professional SP3 x86.
  11. Using a ready stock, is un-original, just like brushing.IMO always :) -Blane
  12. This just "takes" a screenshot from your site.It cannot really copy php code :) Good share though. -Blane
  13. You just did a double post before ^^ Anyway it's a good share.Keep it up ;) -Blane
  14. It doesn't exist anymore and the only releases are viruses.Topic locked.Pm me if you need feedback. -Blane
  15. Topic locked.Advertisements are not allowed.
  16. Render is not re-sized properly.Also you could add more effects around your focal point. 7/10 -Blane
  17. Just an advice.You don't have to do the Brush (little dots) and put them in soft light for EVERY single signature... :/ -Blane
  18. Real name: Nasos Nickname: Blane GFX Experience: Designing since 3 years Programs that you can use: Photoshop, GIMP, MS Paint :P Age(does not really matter but it's good to know xD): 18 E-mail: BlaneGR@Hotmail.com [e-mail not msn] -Blane
  19. Yep ok but this is not right.I mean that if I apply then I'm going to need to participate even if the project is crap.I mean we can't apply when we're blind...Don't you think? -Blane
  20. Μόνο βάλε [GR] tags :) -Blane
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