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Everything posted by Blane

  1. /Locked. Will open tomorrow. -Blane
  2. Thanks! Signature in a while! -Blane
  3. Subtext means something underneath the center text.Your name is always included in the signatures. :) Post please! -Blane
  4. Thanks. Locked. Will open tomorrow! -Blane
  5. It's Signature 3 but ok.Topic locked. Will be unlocked tomorrow probably. -Blane
  6. Coyote here's your signature: Sorry for having this topic closed, I formated and lost all of my resources.So I couldn't do anything till I download them all.You can post now! Only COYOTE has the right to request again a sig if he reply, and that's because of the delay I had!End of story! -Blane
  7. A radio needs a lot of organization.We can't just tell, let's make a radio.It's impossible to sync with the whole maxcheaters.If, I say IF, Maxtor wants to open a radio, he should: 1 ) Find a good host. 2 ) Know how to open it. 3 ) Special Page in MaxCheater for the radio.(I can handle it let's say) 4 ) Find a good team with people who wants to participate. 5 ) Find substitutions for each of them. 6 ) Find 2nd substitutions for each. (I had problems believe me) 7 ) Make a good schedule. 8 ) Define the main language of the radio (English probably). 9 ) Have trust of the people who will join. (Too Important!) 10 ) Have the mood... ;) Cheers, -Blane
  8. Inspiration never really ends.It just sleeps and wakes up again.I told ya ;) -Blane
  9. Blane

    Serious Problem

    I cannot install any Windows right now...I have the problem I sayed before.Now I found something (XP+SATA Drivers).I'll try them and report.But please, don't hesitate to post other solutions... EDIT: Downloaded WinXP + SATA Drivers (ISO) and it has been fixed.Locked! ;D -Blane
  10. Blane

    Serious Problem

    Yes I know that, it's probably the version I downloaded.But screw them.I need Windows XP back which I can't have right now :/
  11. Blane

    Serious Problem

    It's Windows 7 latest beta build. (probably the one that Microsoft will publish at 22 October) @ExTReme : I found it I think but it's an exe XD.Can't use it on Linux :/ -Blane
  12. Hello everybody! Sorry for being inactive lately.I'm having problems with my computer.Before some days I decided to install windows 7 (Not a really good thought... ::)).Windows 7 destroyed my hard disk.They installed correctly but it couldn't stand as alone OS.It had problems with many programs regarding compatibility issues.Anyway the point is that I decided to re-installed my stable Windows XP SP3 version which I downloaded.The problem is that Windows can't find any Hard Disk to install.It seems like Windows 7 destroyed my System File(ntfs probably).I'm currently speaking from Ubuntu which I installed correctly over Windows 7.I tried to reboot with Windows XP Installer but the problem continues.I saw in google that I have to download some SATA drivers.Well, I can't find them!My laptop is an ACER Aspire 5920G and I can't solve my problem in any way.If someone can help me on this, I would appreciate it... Please don't post spam replies like "Just find them", "Google it" or something similar cause I did that. Thanks in advance for answering as FAST as possible :) Greetings, -Blane
  13. I can help.Just pm me. -Blane
  14. or (more familiar with mxc colours) My pure effort.I'm pretty tired right now... -Blane
  15. Ok, we've started! Post your request now!!! -Blane
  16. Hello guys! I'm a bit dizzy right now, that's why I decided to start this topic, even if I know, it's gonna cost me a lot of my time cause I know that you ALWAYS want a signature either if you have one or not.Anyway to get on the important side of this topic, I thought a new system where members will compete for a single signature.Of course, there are many topics where people create a signature for you and I really don't request you come here to pick one.I'll just gonna use the system, described below, cause that's how I want to spare my free time on Photoshop.So, don't pm me, asking me "When you're gonna unlock the topic" or "Can you please create me a signature?" cause I'm not gonna answer.So the system has its own rules, my rules and you must respect them to this topic.So here we go! - 1st reply wins the signature! - - Reply should look like this : "Signature" followed by the number of the row.* - - You're free to add comments to your reply regarding only a thank you or something similar. - - Signature themes are not allowed.You can only say if you want subtext or not - - All signatures are gonna have YOUR name upon them - - After the reply the topic will be locked and I'll reply next with the signature and the time the topic will re-open - - If you already replied for a signature you can't apply for a second one.This until I decide to change the rule. - Replies against the above rules are not taken serious - Example: 1st post writes: I write: 3rd Reply: etc... *In the "row" means that after "Signature" you should write the number of the signature I currently make as described in examples. I won't be judged for what signature I make each time.If you like it, then just send me a pm saying "I like it!".In any case I don't care.What I make is made because I like to and not because someone paid me to do so.Also I don't want to hear "Blane, when you're gonna open the topic PLOXXX".I have personal life and that's why I created those rules in this topic.In case you applied for a signature don't try to contact me via msn/pm cause I will be busy creating your signature :P. We've started! Thanks for understanding, -Blane
  17. It's quite simple I think. Just open your php.ini file and go straight to the line where "session.save_path" defines a directory.Change the directory to something that really exists and is writable from you (CHMOD 777 the folder to do so). For further info please keep a look at google, or post a reply here, -Blane
  18. The refresh of my DA account and a new FB account are some of my new plans. Once again, thanks for your comments, -Blane
  19. From Photobucket it doesn't look full.I couldn't see it even with zoom.So I uploaded it to rapidshare. Thanks for your comments, more to come soon... -Blane
  20. Here's a fresh and new tutorial on how to start using the Photoshop Pen Tool.Read carefully and start learning the best, as from my point of view, tool in Adobe Photoshop. Tutorial Best Regards, -Blane
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