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Everything posted by Blane

  1. You are in my mind...indeed.For such sections 2-3 people are enough.Anyway.Maxtor is the BIG BOSS here :P... Let's wait for his decision... :)
  2. seems quite difficult...I'll give a try and give you a save file or something...to show you that I finished it....XD
  3. I am curios of how many moderators will be in each section.There are more than 7 till now.Well ok.I hope Maxtor does not make everyone moderating(I am not saying that I'll be mod). Anyway let's w8 for Maxtor's desicions.
  4. You Rule! Suggest +1 Karma! (I know the man who has cosmos destiny but I promise I won't tell XD)
  5. 1 KAI APLI LE3I KAI DN PROKEITE NA SE BOI8ISW. SEARCH. EDIT: Ante epidi eimai kalos 8a se boi8isw ligo...alla min kaneis posts gia tetoia themata gt mporeis na ta breis monos sou. Check edw : www.ragezone.com Stin section gia l2J.TO pws na ton stiseis 8a to breis sta forum mas.Alla se parakalw kane ena search prin arxiseis na postareis gia opoion logo... ;)
  6. This makes me happy br0. :) CyazZz Now Going to See the match :P
  7. WoW!! Thanks for your good words!I vote you for the wow section too!! :P Happy to see you back online in the forum... :)
  8. Nice Collection.Indeed! I still think there's an other guide.Anyway GJ
  9. /offtopic Ok Ok... This is the last report.I saw you spamming again and I suggest a -1 in his karma /ontopic NS se kamael doulevei agorina?
  10. Started : Lotherin. Then : Nosfer. Then : nS. Then : Blane. And Finally : AmOraL(=ani8ikos gia tous ellines)I hope this is the last one.
  11. Prepi na arxiseis na ma8eneis pws leitourgei ena forum.POTE DN KANOUME DOUBLE POST.Yparxei to koumpi edit. Egw otan elega search ennoousa to forum search an ksereis p einai auto....(stis epiloges panw panw). Tespa plirofories sxetika me to pws na leitourgeis to programma mporeis na breis stin enotita me ta Exploits. Dn 8a katsw na s dwsw link pali,apla gia na arxiseis na ma8eneis pws PSAXNOUME. Auta.
  12. Sup.I need it too.A friend of mine has pissed me off telling me that he's boting on official.Could anyone share an IG or OOG walker for Official Kamael Server?
  13. Requests in bot section is the right. Could you give us the link of the server?So we can handle it.
  14. 35th....worthless...everything can be hacked today XD
  15. Blane

    DN x15

    http://www.dragon-community.net is the site of the server.Why didn't you search at google.Having the site means you can find what are looking for.
  16. re gmt...dn mporw na sas katalabw... 1on: LA8OS SECTION.REQUEST EXPLOIT HELP EINAI TO SWSTO.OMG DLD. 2on: YPARXEI ENA KOUMPAKI STIS EPILOGES P LEGETE : SEARCH. PES MOU APLA ENA KALO LOGO P DN EKANES SEARCH.STO GOOGLE THA TO BRISKES. I katastasi exei ftasei sto aproxwrito. http://rapidshare.com/files/78836882/Hlapex.rar.html Na to link p 8es alla se parakalw na eisai pio prosektikos tin epomeni.Thanks.
  17. sounds like the way with walker.I think that you can see which box is not empty.Anyway If there's a way as MicrOz said...then the word is simple: Share It Greetz :P
  18. This game is really rocks!I have a friend in my msn who plays in chinese Official server...IT ROCKS!
  19. Ontws dn einai bug.Einai ena aplo trick.Ase p doulebei mono se servers xwris Geodata.Anyway. Nomizw to fixaran to bug p les me to pet. Kai pali einai enas nQQboserver p me liga evra perneis ta kerata sou.Den xriazete na to kaneis auto.Ase p nomizw oti dn petyxenei afou oi guards 8a se entopisoun isa isa p pas sto potami.Douleve standard ston GvE ton proto.Alla meta fixaristike gt ebalan guards giro giro apo ti limni... Tespa dn aksizei gia sticky.Apla na yparxei. Auta..
  20. yep all l2 fotos are saved in system folder...and even paint can open 'em...
  21. [To ThreadStarter]:Well I think I have to use Photoshop CS3? Or what?You haven't mentioned it.Anyway... [To All]:Shall anyone share here or pm(maybe illegal) the links for photoshop. It'll be nice. Thanks.
  22. hmm let's see... Number [1] : It's not a bad guide[Pictures are nice too ;)] BUT: Number [2] : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2397.0 <-- Same and better for me.Posted by Killer007. Number [3] : Wrong section.It has to be on L2JDeveloping General Section. Number [4] : You share only the db?Or what?And why is this : "unstable" .Serverpack should be chosen from the user himself. Number [5] : Read all the previous numbers and be careful next time. AmOraL
  23. Indeed good...But Official files?Interlude?Kidding? :P Anyway It seems nice I am gonna give a try ;)
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