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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Opa pedia!! iremiste!Apla to moirastika mazi sas...Dn eggiome tpt :)
  2. "Ο Sanias σε έκλεψε άναδρα και σου πήρε 3 αξίας χρυσό.Τι θέλεις να κάνεις;" anadre... XD...
  3. E ne peite me ratsisti peite me oti 8elete...alla i8ela na to moirastw mono me ellines....MuHhaHaHahHa! Lpn...dn 3erw an einai safe enchant alla toulaxiston dinei TRELES pi8anotites. Exoume kai leme...[tested se megalo Interlude server.] Exeis to oplo wrea?wrea XD .Pas kai xwris soulshots baras ena filo sou(kata epilogi TANK).Ton baras ton baras..(XWRIS SS)kai molis kaneis critical....dn kaneis tpt XD...sto 2o critical xwneis to enchant.S anebazei trela tis pi8anotites.Kateu8eian to enchant me to critical ;) To dokimasa ston server p sas elega....tin proti mera +16 me tin proti...tin deuteri(gt fobomoun kai ligo) +25...tin triti +35....tin tetarti +50 XD kai 8a to kanw ki allo :D . 8a parakalousa na min metafrastei apo kanenan sta agglika.Gt oi aggloi einai P*@*#%des... XD . Auta apo mena. [PROSOXI]:DN EY8INOME GIA KANENA OPLO SAS!!!EINAI ENA APLO SHARE.... Regards[eNgLiSh sU&)$ers..... :D) nS
  4. xalarwse nitrous.Dn nmz oti kaneis 8a kanei post to link.Pm einai arketo.
  5. NiCe ONe nItRoUs The others who have less than 50 posts...why you say..gratz... O_o
  6. nai more to normal 8elw dn 8elw kapoio e3idikeumeno..apla twra arxizw kai 8elw na to xw...exeis na mou proteineis kana kalo warez site? 8a psa3w euxaristw poli. EDIT: tpt.. :/ Oloi to 8ewroun dedomeno kai es8anome sk@t0noob@s... :/ Spawn ec mou meneic ... dn endiaferete kanc alloc.. :/
  7. Aman re killer thx gia to help alla stasou ligo...ti lock asap0reni0 itan auto akomi dn gyrises.. ena link 8a itan oti kalitero...kai se euxaristw... oso gia ton allon p me ebrise...dn dia8etw kan xrono gia na tou apantisw...einai etc ki alliws mlk@$... Euxaristw ek ton proteron gia to link.... XD
  8. ktlba dn kserei kanc.. :/
  9. asap re pedia...knc dn kanei c++ edw?omg...
  10. Pio Compiler proteinete gia C++... kai dl link plix pl0x.. ;D
  11. mono mesw MySQL an dn kanw la8os..apo to forum mesa dn gnt..
  12. it's not a warez...I think.. :D
  13. yep ok nice guide for NOOBz.And yes...there's a lot of spam in msn nowadays..
  14. kalo post....keep updating..... //Off topic barieme na kanw new thread mporei na einai axristo 3erei kanc pws kanw diko m radio pou mporw na milaw kiolas?Free ennoeite.... :P Soz gia to off....
  15. Blane


    auto ekana..pira Headphones.Douleuoun mia xara.Thanks for help. TopiC CaN Be CLoSeD
  16. I know and that's the reason we don't making developing now.. ;)
  17. 1st.Speak English. 2nd.Wtf are you talking about?The project runs great.I am just an admin in the site.Nothing more.So stop saying that I started something and I didn't finish it.This is not in my Character. 3rd.Why should I get - karma? 4th.You are a member on the site?So don't speak.If you are a member,then you should be a Tester.A tester has to w8 for the developers.Development zone is hidden for simple members.Only Developers can see this section. 5th.We are still getting organised.The work won't start imidiatelly. Finally why you speak about a post that you never took part in?Ypu want to get posts?Maybe?Hidden posts is not that good and you want to get posts?You are a clear Spammer?Maybe.... That's from me.Please don't take it far away.Case closed. -nS
  18. Not at all I learned that Kamael is not that difficult for pc....I have nVidia 8800GT and I am going to run it normally :)
  19. ok ok relax guys.Domenica you are wrong...you should apologize.But anyway.Relax. Take it easy,relax- Mika
  20. left the project?Why that.I gave the right to start developing.It's their work now.I am a TESTER on that.Developers are now able to start developing.Every forum-request is available.None left the project.AND THIS PROJECT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MXB...why - karma?OMG YOU SHOULD GET - KARMA. Thanks NobLe -->FORUM UPDATED.Development zone updated.So.. start work guys.You don't need me.I will keep an eye for any spammer.Development is your work. Thanks. -nS
  21. I don't give support on that.It's not my work.You can find Vault and ask him for help...his msn is : will_sparta34@hotmail.fr > NOTICE THAT. Thanks.
  22. If you want to reach -99999999 karma then do it and then leave the forum.Post right posts no spam and you are gonna be ready to read this guide. BTW....there is a way to see hidden posts.I know it ... ;D
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