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Everything posted by powercheats

  1. Bolsonaro 2018 -> No BOT'S, No Cheats.
  2. Have a lot of guys selling adrenaline "infinity windows", try find in "search".
  3. Another boring interlude server. Good luck.
  4. very useful. tahnks for share.
  5. Thanks for kill interlude's servers!
  6. uses SysUtils, Classes, RegExpr; RegExpr module don't works in 1.71 cracked version?
  7. I have tried with umodel -export -all Crest.utx but give me a error. ******** Crest.utx ******** ERROR: Wrong tag in package: 8DE48DC1 FPackageFileSummary<<:Ver=0/0 <- UnPackage::UnPackage:Crest.utx, ver=100000/0, game=l2 <- UnPackage::LoadPackage:Crest.utx <- Main:umodel_version=link of the fiel link of the file https://www.4shared.com/file/feOj5GJ9ca/Crest.html
  8. when u do this bypass, give me him for pm. ;p
  9. How do i for the program read the "msg system server". Like GM's uses sysutils,classes; begin while Engine.Status = lsOnline do begin if (ChatMessage.ChatType = mtSystem) and ChatMessage.Unread then begin if (ChatMessage.Text = 'TvT Event has begin') then Engine.EnterText('.jointvt'); delay(2000); end; end; end.
  10. engine.autosoulshot(5789, true); don't work on 1.71?
  11. works, thanks. but in the second time of teleport the lineage window closes.
  12. what i do in the "OK" delay teleport? i config the script for teleport, but when the boss press teleport appear a custom delay teleport bar, and press OK, teleport do'nt work. photo upload
  13. Anyone have a script for autojoin tvt? When appears in the chat chat system, TVT event open, how can i do a script like this, I don't know the command for read chat system and then Engine.EnterText('.jointvt');
  14. Any1 play this piece of sh1t?
  15. It's true. E-global 7x. Today, his trying connect on server's with smart guard protection with a programm that him did.. Our world have alot of programmers. ;P
  16. a few years ago, but now, this packet do not work, i remember do with "INVISIBLE" server crash's all of time. ;p
  17. one friend works with tower, but it's a secret.
  18. yes only your close friends :p.
  19. thanks man for this work.
  20. it's l2tower. i can do it for 15min, but got disconnect, a friend of my friend, works all day with tower, but i don't have an idea.
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