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Everything posted by mexican24

  1. well i heard from many that some skills do not work as it should.
  2. yes u can play with them, servers still c4. btw -> http://www.dragon-network.net/status/
  3. everything right, the most populated servers are nightmare and dragon, infinity is good too, but corrupted gm servers still c4, admins/gms working on interlude - they are testing their work on beta server. i think they gonna update to interlude soon.. at least i hope so
  4. i have checked their forum and this bot seens to do not support many of private servers because many of them got improved security systems against walker/similar bots. imo it wont work on good servers
  5. do not ask people for dnet interlude bot because there is no bot for it atm, they didnt release interlude files for the players,the servers still c4, so if someone come to u tellinh he has interlude bot for dnet its a trojan/password stealing hack, dont be a fool.
  6. so thats how ppl used to dupe donators coins @ dnet
  7. Wrong place. You should have advertise your server here -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0
  8. how do u got l2walker for interlude if they even have release interlude for players? its only on the beta test server for admins and mods if u just need to upload it, do it. http://rapidshare.de/
  9. for 1200 someone have told me that i must speak to other npc, or its the same? .. btw i have found on google that rooney is interlude npc, not c4/c5 :P so nevermind :P it still good being random XD
  10. dragon network is using bakeice on their test-server for interlude
  11. i saw a prophet on raven with same name 2 days ago :O
  12. you wont find anything related to oog for dnet interlude. they didnt release the new files atm, we all got to wait for that and work to bypass it again ;D
  13. i like ubuntu, it runs as live cd and u can install it pretty easy http://www.ubuntu.com/
  14. yes i play on Raven, yesterday i connected on infinity to talk to some friends and i saw they got DepmAx64, maybe this sh1t prevent npc buffing and other things..
  15. yes it is a nice char for pvp, i just made the he/pp cuz i dont like to carry a pp bot with me all the time and i like to pvp/hunt my enemies alone but he/wk is stronger on same buffs and he crits better with cat buff on raven its nice to play fighters/mage, he/pp/wk are good combos for pvp pr/ps is a good sub too, i have played it long time ago on infinity but still pwnz i will post my stats later ;D
  16. maybe u missed a step or the server u tried to connect was offline on that momment re-check ur steps,host and other things i have explained on the guide, it still working
  17. yes, working @ dnet, theres is nothing to prevent npc buffing, just target it and buff ;D
  18. advice, i think u should inform in what servers u got such items ;D
  19. anyone has his /locs or something? and those recipes are 100% like on imperial tombs quest or 60% ?
  20. anyone have info about the quest for S grade recipes @ imperial tombs?
  21. Anyone have done this quest before? What about the reward(its random recipe or i can choose) ??
  22. possible ways for such enchant: 1st - He is friend of a GM 2nd - He donated ALOT for such thing 3rd - Your server sux hard and l2aphex or other similar sniffing sh1t stills working there.
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