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Everything posted by Vision

  1. Ahri with the blue and red fire I dont remember the name of the skin.
  2. You dont have to put your text with effects style from behind just the text. If you want special effects on it download some flares to put on it. Well, the best placement for the text is near to the render not away from the render just put it close to the render.
  3. Dude be careful where you put your effects and how. First mistake : This yellow thing on the right corner of the tag its totally wrong with the composition of your signature but and with your colors. Last, the fractals that you used they are not put properly. PS: Pay more attention in the final outcome and check for any mistakes on it.
  4. First one the best for me but needs a little bit more things on it. Anyway, you didn't mention that you want something like this bitchy boy.
  5. Eh, that's why I noticed the word "Patience" it goes when you are trying to design something and you do mistakes and try harder and etc. It is nice that you worked for a while. It seems professional that means the design its not something typical.
  6. Professional work as it seems Damian. You are very dedicated to this and not 5 minutes work I can see that you have patience or you just pro. Anyway, nice work dude really.
  7. Well, its not bad for your first one dude. You begin nicely. Keep it high..
  8. Όταν λες να φύγουν τα χρήματα από εκεί μέσα τι εννοείς? Να τα κάνεις μεταφορά σε κάποιο τραπεζικό λογαριασμό? or something?
  9. Δεν απάντησες στην ερώτηση του. Και η απάντηση είναι ΟΧΙ αμα δεν έχεις γνώσεις πως θα κάνεις κάτι τέτοιο?
  10. Ήμουν σίγουρος.
  11. That it was an conclusion. Not a complain. Anyway.
  12. Die please for the good of the nature.
  13. I'm not the one who complained here. No offense Happy.
  14. What did you expect? Some things never changed.
  15. Τώρα τελευταία ανοίγεις brilliant topics keep going.
  16. Μάλιστα. Έχω να πω πως είστε τουλάχιστον τοξικό-σκληροπυρηνικοι. Καληνύχτα σας κύριοι.
  17. Πάω να κοιμηθώ στο ερωτικό κρεβάτι.
  18. Για φίλους μου εγώ δεν έχω τέτοια προβλήματα.
  19. Μαλακά είσαι χαζός? Δεν μιλάμε για μένα μιλάμε γενικά για το φαινόμενο αυτό.
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