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Everything posted by Vision

  1. Παίξε με τη παρέα σου που ξέρει και άσε τα ζώα όσες φορές παίζαμε σε νετ σοβαρά δεν χάναμε.
  2. Aντε wrd αν θες λίγο σύντομα θέλω να την πέσω.
  3. Δεν ξέρω ρε Μatthew τι να σου πω πραγματικά. Δεν ξέρω αν έχουν σκεφτεί όλα αυτά που κάνουν αν είναι σωστά η όχι. Τι να πω.
  4. Μη κουράζεσαι αφού παίζεις με 8χρονα.
  5. Μην γίνεσαι κακός ρε.
  6. Actually everything except the textings.
  7. Καλός είναι ρε.
  8. So it doesn't worth then to open a server who has 500 per month? We have crysis in our economy. No point.
  9. Unfortunately, this is the truth you have to accept that. You can't do something about it. Only if you have money to spent for DoS Protection. Sadly, the competition is very high.
  10. We have already seen this style. Try designing something different.. Another key in PS it is the creativity.
  11. 1) Bad placement of your render + not any flow effects on it to make it a little bit more realistic. 2) Text size = wrong. Also, bad move to add random texts in order to have what? A typographic signature? No If you want to do that make a wallpaper with only texts inside. 3) What is that backround? A orange color as for your backround and you done? Nope dude the backround it is one of the most important things. No backround no composition dude. I think your problem is the lack of resources. Go search for packs C4Ds, ready wallpapers, Textures and etc and work on it. This is my advice.
  12. Yeah dude. This is not a website. I bet that you dont even think about "How can I design a website?". It has many mistakes and lack of designing. Keep working.
  13. Αctually its nice I like this. But, I would make the size of the fonts little smaller for a better view. In overall, its pretty good. Keep working.
  14. Πες μα αρέσει να ακούω τα λάθη μου και να τα διορθώνω. Άλλο που ποτέ δεν κάθεστε να μου τα πείτε.
  15. Κουλαρε λίγο ρε μαλακά δεν βαρέθηκες? Anyway
  16. Μπα δεν νομίζω ο καθένας κρίνεται με αυστηρά κριτήρια ε WRD??
  17. ah lol τώρα κατάλαβα τι είπες sorry ήταν η αδρεναλίνη του δράματος με τύφλωσε και δεν είδα τι είπες.
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