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  1. I often have this problem too. I simply click on Alt + P to activate/deactivate the lower details option. This helped me always.
  2. Thank you, I was able to switch the music and played around a bit
  3. Hello deMEV Thank you for your share. I use it for H5. Is the original music and the thunderstorm in the background not included? Does it cost extra? CaptainRikou
  4. that is a really nice collection and helpful as well. i myself was looking many times for certain npcs. but there was no other one than spawning one after the other. this makes it much more easier if you look for specific one
  5. So the system lines is the only thing that needs to be changed then? If so I will give it a try
  6. An amazing collection. I was surprised to scroll down so far because of the sheer amount of npcs If you dont mind I would like to ask if they are available for H5 as well. Regards CaptainRikou
  7. Thank you! At least someone is understanding how it is
  8. 3 files are enough. You can do the xml yourself. What bow? There is officially no fafurion bow. What are you talking about? SGER: what would interest me, is the "middle" effect included as well? Or only no effect and strong effect?
  9. good work. I like how the progress of decay on that tree is shown
  10. haha is that the ring of halo? :D
  11. do it yourself. doing xml is so easy. just take other weapons as an example. btw don't use this version. its simply bad
  12. Hello Thank you for the share. For which chronicle is it comptabile? Regards CaptainRikou
  13. Do not bother contacting JohnBoy. I had a chat with him because I was interested in costumes for H5. I told him which ones I want and he offered me a price. I agreed to that so we had a deal. When adding him on skype he didnt bother to reply. All of a sudden he said "his partner" is not okay with that deal so its canceled. Asking him why he is not okay or if there is any other reason, I didnt receive answers anymore. Very unpolite and unprofessional. Dont waste your time, dont contact him in the first place.
  14. Hi Kali I am interested in buying costumes from you. I contacted you in skype and sent you direct messages in this forum. Unfortunately I did not receive an answer yet. Regards CaptainRikou
  15. Ok with help I was able to add it to H5 version. However the dragons color itself is entierly different than from the one in your video. Why is that case?
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