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Everything posted by Jackie

  1. doesnt it slow PC ?
  2. Darkelf script (starts from city), Human script (start from born of char - only fighter class) - 1- 20 lvl some class transfer (shilien knight ,clerik, rouge,wizard) script r with dead return all u need to do i set properly walker settings for fight hope it helps u bit (i dont say its perfect script i made i !!! myself !!! dont blame :P ) http://www.4shared.com/account/dir/5875222/f8347cab/sharing.html?rnd=79 REUPLOADED (the same link should work) http://www.4shared.com/account/dir/5875222/f8347cab/sharing.html?rnd=79
  3. i dont want to dissapoint but its no bug Anyway its good trick for L2walker users ;)
  4. gogo PvP >>> %target <<<
  5. i dont have Msn only ICQ
  6. welcome and have fun
  7. i prefer torrents but i have never tried moorhunt i have to check it
  8. ach, so many cool games and so little time
  9. bllaaah its pointless to do that nobody is interested in ur personal stats of PK and PvP only u and for what is it to lie yourself? and many ppl doing also Sin Eather quest to get 0 PK no xxx
  10. 2 Berrr: Do u know how can i change IP (something like proxy servers for web pages..) i dont have VIP
  11. So in options/heal Option there is setting HP< ... use skill so just set there Fake death also u can make script for it Label(1) CharStatuts(HP,<=,10) { UseSkill(x,y) delay(v) ChangeWaitType(1) } Call(1) replace: x=skillname ; y=code of skill; v= delay in miliseconds Uses: after u run script it will check ur HP status over and over again until ur HP is 10% or less then he use skill -> will wait "v" miliseconds -> will stand up -> again checking HP status (it s circle)
  12. k thx i will try i have already tried one but i didnt work at all (npc didnt have names ...:-( )
  13. why u r using rapidshare it sux filefront is better i think and also 4shared is cool but if I want download somethink from rapid i need to wait xxx minutes becouse "u r already downloading ....blabla" :(
  14. So i used systemmsg-e.dat of Abyss but not work for me :(
  15. try Abyss 5x new srv russian one
  16. Hardest for me is right now exp to hight lvl couse ppl are almosth everywhere even catas are full :( any idea where exp from 70 to 78? I mean place where ppl never exp on ur srv for example.
  17. do u mean new walker with old l2info.dat?
  18. yup even ppl run walker on their old srv they ban ppl who didnt pay them for it xaxa !!! Russia power !!!
  19. why does it shouldn t work its normal buff which will decress ur speed its not BUG/expolit.... also Prophecy of FIRE decrees speed ....
  20. oh it will take me years :( but thx i hoped in somethink like download sysetmmsg-e.dat ... who already have it but maybe i find in in some russians srv thhx man
  21. does 10.7.4 support C4off?
  22. thhx give him sobody karma +1 :)
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