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Everything posted by Jackie

  1. I didnt have firewall/anti.. also only something for cleaning and once for a week I clean it. Now i stated to use 2 firewalls couse one is also anti... but mine comp is too old to run 2 firewalls and some programs/games at once so i wanted to know ur oppinion what is the best thx for answers :) 1 more question: if mine net is trought LAN (3 comps cca) and thoose comps have firewalls(let say the best ones) do i need it?
  2. 169 kb file + ur 1st post made me unbeliver.
  3. Yo, what firewall/anitySpyware ...(blabla) do u use? pliiix & why u think that this one is good or better than others
  4. Acc Cardinal/SoulTaker PM on forum
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