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Everything posted by Jackie

  1. bot dont work there and ppl who are speaking that bot work dont even post a simple picture as proof so bot dont work there and this guide yes i think its nice but cannot comfirm dont have so much post :P
  2. i think only one problem is this button when u need make buffs, as i know there isnt any script command to press this button (its the same as u want learn skills by script in walker u can t script "learn")
  3. got small question: so if i use walker and proxy in walker is sets as and i use WPF and a Proxy than my IP is changed or the same as i connect by L2 client?
  4. http://www.4shared.com/dir/2269008/3ad9a8b9/adlerbr.html 10.2.3 is for C2 ??
  5. if u are so smart than help him (give him link) maybe he did it and didnt find anything, so he s asking ...
  6. hmm but is it usefull ? it cannot heal when ur bot have low hp it cannot switch target or am i wrong?
  7. Agree with u dont WASTE ur money for such shits, but also DONT WASTE ur money for l2net or walker :P ☺ ☺ ☺
  8. i dont think ct1 bot will help u much, couse u need to login and to login u use IL client not ct1 or am i wrong (thats mean login is based on IL)?
  9. i m crazy but i belive that he does it he made already some stuffs here i think (maybe im wrong) btw: nobody have even IG walker for DN? maybe system of time of testing Arena can help (i was trying but dunno how to connect with it - i edited IP in L2.ini but i didnt get response. and token is needed only for OOG right?
  10. yes ur right thats why i m not donator status :-) but its not only one reason for other reasons i will not pay to u also :-) anyway gl i wish u earn a lot money its all about money :-) if i know how i would like to earn something too
  11. hmm just press alt+tab get to windows and click by right mouse button on IceBaker launcher and choose "Launch"
  12. haha some ppl pay for this forum and now u wanna them pay to u ?
  13. i think time to lock topic :) its really nice guide but there s no more C4
  14. hmm but too late ? DN just transfering to C6
  15. hmm look i tested it in 2 l2off servers for me it was working but maybe has something change from this time couse i made it cca year ago :-S and how to edit? its simply opet with txt editor and rewrite save us unicode *.SEC
  16. if u dont see npc in walker try use other version or u have to edit L2info.dat somehow EDIT: i just saw word "script" in ur text. so do u mean how to make scripts ( *.SEC) if yes than (small manual) ----> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21247.0 or u dont see NPC ? if yes read 1st sentence of my post :-)
  17. btw one more info if u r gonna run Rouge transfer class dont forgte u CAN T set weapon in options for fighting couse for quest is needed switching weapons sorry about that :S did u tried others too?
  18. thx u vm but can u pls reupload it to 4share or filefront for me its imposible to download something from rapidshare :( EDIT : one more question will it work if server works with protocol version 656 NOT 660 ???
  19. Hello hello :-)
  20. yes u can run more walkers but u have to have all psw in this text file
  21. Hello is any other way to get no GG for c4 pls? I dont need it for cheats or smthng like that i need it to run it under Linux thx for reply (if will be any) ???
  22. i m trying to run L2 C4 but after i Run l2.exe in few sec it just trun off game (i wasnt even on login screen) i have set option.ini as u write here
  23. "Patches To CVS" what is it and where can i find it please?
  24. i got already few but i will not share it today, but seems soon i can
  25. FOR DN OOG serach this topic in bot section "Working DN OOG" - written by sltbnjr 25 post isnt so much and working
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