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Everything posted by Jackie

  1. is this part right? i thought that JMP jump back not CALL
  2. LABEL(1) UseItem(Stormbringer*Stormbringer[iD=2561]) DELAY(3000) UseSkill(Dance of Fury[iD=#],Self,x) DELAY(3000) UseSkill(Dance of Fire[iD=#],Self,x) DELAY(3000) UseSkill(Dance of the Warrior[iD=#],Self,x) DELAY(3000) UseItem(Carnage Bow[iD=288]) DELAY(288000) CALL(1) _________________ replace "x" by ur name if u will have problem with dance try replace longer delay if u will not dance even one u have to prolly add ID of dances i dont know it (use REC in walker to get it simply or search on forums) hope it helps u
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6874.0 in the end of 1st post there is in quote small guide for scripting also
  4. hmm so sry i didnt know that there isnt the button (the one like when u want learn skills) on server where I play there is so i cant script it
  5. 1. do u mean go rebuff every 20 min or only after dead? then to do this u need write what buffs u want (i guess u want some from CH) then write name of that NPC 2. dastay is right, its not su much hard (all is about time u need time to learn it and make it other need time to do it, but time...) here is small guide EDIT: or simply if u have IG walker use this: -set combat settings/buffs/heals ... -find place to where u can move wherever u got ported in Godard (u can do that also other way but its not so simply, or if u find script for goddard spawn places u can implent it ) -open L2walker settings (press "home" at keyboard) -select "make script" and press REC (now be carefull where u click becouse every your move will be recorded) -take buffs at CH (hmm now i remember its imposible couse there s button what walker dont know to press, so u CANNOT TAKE BUFFS AT CH by SCRIPT - only combinate by some macro what will "do click" but its hard to synchronize) so go to IT to place where u want to start with fight -then press "STOP REC" -and add at the start script: LABEL(1) -then go at the end of ur script and write there: SET(FIGHTSTART) LABEL(2) CharStatus(HP,<=,0) { DEALAY(1000) SET(FIGHTSTOP) CALL(1) } CALL(2) PS:as u cannot take buffs at CH by l2walker commands (dunno maybe L2superman or something else can do it) u didnt need go to town every 20 mins = all what u was needed was dead return part. Small advice: to script between dialogue when u choose NPC and choose where to port write there "DELAY(1500)" it can help u sometimes if u have lags
  6. hmm u write it like u have it working normaly w/o problems (i mean OOG). Is it true?
  7. can u answer me pls even "no" is answer thx
  8. reply to see EDIT: does it work only for thoose who have VIP ?
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25606.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21465.0 there are some script for transfer quest in 2nd link for sure
  10. there s a thread that IG walker does not make any different in LOG of server, so if it s true than u can use L2w IG safe for proxy only i mean u dont have to use other function if u dont want (when u press "insert" u will disable all walker functions).
  11. can u tell us how to do it? or isnt easier use walker for C6 not C5? EDIT: ok i know higher version of walker is not possible becouse of verification, but i still dont know how to transfer c5-->c6 and c6--->c5 :( i was watching ur video and i guess it s program in the left corner up the L2fork (the black window) can u share it?
  12. yeah u dont like walker? i dont know how to make it w/o walker but 4 sure u will use proxy shock5 try search some soft on google :-S
  13. interface = l2infoa.dat in OOG folder?
  14. i think this could help u but u need more post (yes me too) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26049.0
  15. 1st link look nice thx gonna check it it s nice that there s guide for it but 7 posts missing me :-)
  16. So i need find proxy server like for example http://www.unblockall.net/ and connect through it? i use Proxifier for SockS5
  17. Hmm ty for reply, but how set proxy (shock5) to diffrent IP and will it slow my net(ping)?
  18. Hello, how can i connect with walker (OOG/IG) to to L2 server with different IP, i only know that there s needed Proxy but how i dont know. I want to know it becouse of IP BANs. Can u write some easy guide of post me link pls?
  19. I dont know how in walker all u can do is write party members nicks to so party dont have to be buffed with the same buffs. U can try ask in help section. hmm i have seen program that could make auto target by class like 1st target bishops 2nd Overlords ... but didnt worked for me so i deleted it.
  20. ok working on it ... (...loading...) :-D ---> edit: DONE :-) http://www.4shared.com/account/dir/5875222/f8347cab/sharing.html?rnd=79 there no such commands for auto-invite for scripting in L2walker (i think it s possible in L2superman but i never used it), also there s no command for PMing as i know (maybe i m wrong), but if u forgot save name its more easier do it this way: 1. save one or two names there 2. save this *.ini 3. go L2walker folder and open this *.ini file use search to find part with this nicks (u can use ctrl+f or F3 to search) 4. write there others nicks what u need there or if u have somewhere nicks u can copy paste it there. if u have songer out or party i suggest u set this songs to Party buffs and songer will buff u when u send him invitation (dotn forget to set autoinvitation) for easier partyinvite make macro ingame (this way i do it ) hope it bit help u
  21. try use WPF and untick "anchors" edit: be sure WPF support ur version of L2W
  22. hmm if u play in window then use this ACtool just set delay between pressing Fx key
  23. Do u use a verifer ? maybe u r connected with walker but not verified (this can happen only in IG walker i think). Does ur walker do other things correct like autoBuff ? then u need use verifier for example WPF or l2asr
  24. how can i use other IP ? i guess i proxy to mine local WPF i dont have dynamic ip so BAN ip is for me game over :(
  25. hmmm oki thx for info ofc its better than nothink :)
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