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About domis045

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  1. Uhm speaking about the "ugly" interlude part i would argue a bit, because there are new ways to improve these static bad glow htmls and stuff... Yeah i understand that higher chronicles have better support for html tags and such for better templating, but with tons of interface editions you can get sameish quality with a lot of tinkering. And i could agree if you wanted really an il chronicle you could downgrade the client. maybe, but its an another talk.. Even in higher chronicles you can add those flashy ugly armors, ofc the engine for ill is so old by now.. can't compare for the h5 improvements. But still comparing to the c4 client... c6 isn't beyound as ancient. Its all how do you get the player base and how you advertise, and nowadays i seemed that the today to go servers are you gear up as fast and easy and quit. Balance lol perfect balance is impossible..
  2. Uhm i tried creating many new features, new systems, never seen features (maybe too much lol), but yeah same happened, even after advertising much, hadded my heart and soul to my project, but perhaps IL is just dead. Even the "big" servers use fake players (some did not acussing all lol), its just an old beloved game.. People state that you need new features, others say you need less features lol. We have so many tools nowadays to create much (client side), but heck the player base is down. I added new maps, new mobs, new systems and features (really unseen), but perhaps they were too hard to understand (im not joking like other projects with "new" features && 100% OFF files lol.) or perhaps im plain dead in advertising lol.
  3. Lol if i knew which emittor is called or which are called (file name) for the hero aura i could adapt maybe to interlude :), but idk what is the default hero aura emitter for il :D
  4. Change in levelinfo in lighting ilumination to 255 ;)
  5. Hello, i have added the core side for more levels in aCis, but i want now mobs to have more xp, i changed the values to high ones, but as i saw the server atm only has max integer value as i presume, i changed to double, i have no errors in the server side, but still now i don't get any xp gain. EXAMPLE: Normal xp mob gives: 1033874.0 exp value in the server (added logs raw from template) From the custom value: 6.203244E7 (<set name="exp" val="457010162"/> i want to add something this big.. ) Thanks! P.s Tried to change in Attackable.java and NpcTemplate ( changed to double values) Any help apreciated! :)
  6. Its possible to add the grade ;). Its added to his interface code which he sells (Neophron), as i needed the integration. Basically you need to edit the tooltip class in interface.u using a switch statement and add an icon from a new utx. Later perhaps i will share it to all. Atm im not near a pc, i would show it easily. And yeah ncsoft didint hardcode the tootlip(grp files) thats awesome, so when you set the tooltip to 6 you need to parse it ;). The modification is in interface.u
  7. Hello there, Does anybody know how to fix this thing? I have checked in source and i think that its client related, where i need to make changes? Is the lvl cap hardcoded? i have changed const max_level = 80 value in nwindow.u but no luck. Any help is appreciatet, thanks!
  8. Just bought a licence, everything is good :)
  9. Hey there, could anybody guide me how could i move this dongle at the map? i tried changing in zonename.dat, but i only managed to move it up or down, need guidance how to move it to the left, thanks! Managed to fix the map of the town, but its floating not in a good position. Thanks!
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/188974-editing-html-windows-in-h5/ check this post its for higher chronicles, freya should support it easily. For interlude you can use: <html><body imgsrc="">, its all simple htmls ;)
  11. Uhm, basicaly i tried decrypting then opening, insta crash, because u don't have the specific l2 pawns (scripts, maybe im mistaken lol), but when i created an empty map voila, u can even ad ur own emmiters etc.. But for opening existing maps idk, maybe you tried adding the missing uc scripts? :D but u don't have the native dlls for them, i thought u needed a heavily modified engine xd. It would be awesome to open the lobby map, to modify etc, because of those damn hardcoded cameras xd (c6 lobby ^^)
  12. Uhm if it works via additionaleffect ur doing a simple mistake perhaps lol, it depends on the client, but if u wount add a number i forgot in weapongrp it wount show the effect. In interlude its the hero glow of weapon. (if you enchant it will show ;) if u wount add the line). So it depends on your client maybe ;). P.S the compiled one doesn't show emmiters its not the full script ;)
  13. Tried fiddling with it lol, amazing guide! Finally i can even create skills lol, many thanks! Few tries P.S as i noticed you are limited to the capabilities of the original skill.usx, so yeah a bit lacluster, but still possible and amazing! gotta search for similar skills lol. ( I want also to create new skills as you can see, a bit harder)
  14. Awesome guide! I searched a lot for the needed files to compile, uc scripts really big thanks for the guide! :)
  15. Ahm maybe try this link, it adds music in certain areas https://sites.google.com/site/l2clientmod/miscellaneous/sounds try fiddling with it and it should work.
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