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  1. I'm not allowed to edit the first message..... Up!
  2. Add new mod, Telegram Bot Service! Implement a service on your server that synchronizes messages from the server's chat with those from the indicated Telegram channel or group. Fully configurable.
  3. Unlike other emulators, in l2jdevs it is not necessary to modify the server core. The core only contains the minimum necessary for the server to work. For all customizations and improvements, the data part is used. Everything is editable from the data, even what you want to modify from the core can be done from the data. In addition, it already has a mods and events engine. Our core is totally private, hence its price. All our subscribers use the compiled version
  4. This project is not official of www.l2jdevs.org, is from another project with source https://l2jdev .com.br
  5. If you want something stable, with mods, events and support.
  6. Yes, and they are currently incorporated into the project. Now all mods are free pro vip members.
  7. It is currently a private project. Pls close post
  8. If you say so.... First post updated
  9. Information not updated... Currently, all premium users have free access to all our mods/engine events. In addition to all services and private products. In L2JDevs, you don't need to edit anything in the source (We always recommend the compiled version). Everything can be done from datapack/mods/engines. More than 100 clients, no leaks. Our source is untouchable... hence its price and soon it will no longer be for sale.
  10. Added new features, highlighting the incorporation of new mods and events
  11. First post update!
  12. Mods Engine and Event Engine update! And more!
  13. New Features: Code rewritten in Java, eliminated Kotlin code. Implemented new configuration system. New mods administration panel. Cleaning and reorganization. Java 17 support. Add more mods free for l2jdevs members. Images of admin panel:
  14. L2JDevs Private is stable ;)
  15. ?? Test and work ^^
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