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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. i get a very positive feedback at my pms and here. thank you all guys. whatever you want please reply here or pm. i will be busy making moderators and permissions.
  2. i will not remove current moderators, i will just make/change types.
  3. Today i want to announce that i have changed a little bit the look of maxcheaters boards. I have shrinked game categories, and made new boards like hacking/coding , expanded gfx and some general boards. Im open to suggestions, changes or whatever you want to say (in pm). Coming soon new changes at moderators like: - New Gaming Moderator (will have access to ALL Gaming zones) - Remove old L2/WOW/CS/JAVA/OFF Developers. - Hacking Moderator (will have access to hacking/coding section) - GFX Moderator (will have access to GFX Moderator) - Global Moderator will not be changed.
  4. do you want to add more general sections and less gaming?
  5. wow is alive. Diablo 3 is a good idea, but will have future?
  6. A quick question: which games you want to be added here in maxcheaters? and which to be erased or reduced?
  7. and do what? change the team from nowhere?
  8. Which staffer you think is active? Total Members Voted: 49 (not enough votes) Which staffer you think is inactive? Total Members Voted: 31 (not enough votes) These votes are not enough to have an opinion .
  9. damn , same shit again.
  10. Which MEMBER(S) you think could be a staffer here?? - If you choose first option: I would like to suggest a list of Members (make reply) Please make sure to give a full list of Global/LOL/L2/L2J/L2OFF/CS/WOW mods.
  11. thats where im targeting, quality of posts, not quantity. i want higher level of posts, topics, no spam , no haterz , just discussions, shares, and knowledge.
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=237382.0
  13. Which staffer you think is innactive or not capable? Please vote with -1 , all votes will work as negative. Max Votes per user: 4
  14. Which staffer you think is active? Please vote with +1 , and comment the reason IF you want. Do not spam, do not fight. Max Votes per user: 4 ps. there will be onother vote for: Which staffer you think is innactive or not capable?
  15. or when we have enough donations. (in the future). well, not enough yet, but we will soon start to announce the names in this topic.
  16. lol. this is the true story. he wants to scam more people. just to tell everyone, that old middleman, and new middleman has the same IPs , so its the same user, never stolen. all ips start form same numbers. who the hell are you to judge what i do? there are 1-2k live L2 Servers atm, and my server will make the profit? just LOL. you are jealus.
  17. even google says you are a scammer: http://www.google.gr/#hl=el&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=jigsaw1337%40hotmail.com&oq=jigsaw1337%40hotmail.com&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=hp.3...7206l7206l0l7289l1l1l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0.frgbld.&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=9e2056e18aa2143f&biw=853&bih=564
  18. you are from romania, you talk at romanian topics, ALL your ips are from romania, and you still use proxy from romania? lol. facebook says: Daniel Tirzuman http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003213365494
  19. ti sxesi exei o warmaster me ton vazelo? toulaxiston o warmaster exei stamatisei na kanei blakeies, kai exei sobareftei. o vazelos omos paei kai postarei se diko mou topic kai krazei.
  20. when i get threaten i like to publish some things: Username: MiddleMan™ Posts: 21 (0,477 per day) Email: brethren17@gmail.com Personal Text: Ненавистники сделал меня известным Reputation: 0 Age:N/A Location:Russia Date Registered: February 19, 2012, 10:28:12 am IP: View IPs used by MiddleMan™ Most recent IP address: IPs used in recent posts:,,,,,,,,,,, IPs used in error messages:,,, Username: jigsaw1337 Posts: 797 (1,678 per day) Email: jigsaw1337@hotmail.com Custom Title: Official MM ®© Reputation: 0Gender: Male Age:19 User is currently banned Date Registered: December 14, 2010, 02:37:37 pm IP:
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